Bambu has got it all figured out.
He sure has, more than those running LA, SF, Seattle, Portland, Oregon, Washington, California have.
In the LA homeless video, the City, County, State are all blaming each other for the horror.
Officials from all of them fired up about what's going on. In addition people from community groups and charities have their say.
My plan is now, not 10 years from now.
Tents can be erected, now. The military could do it. And erect fences around the camps.
Many thousands will die on the streets in the next 10 years if nothing changes.
Mentally ill people would be housed in mental institutions, special inpectors checking on their welfare.
Substance abusers would be sent to rehab. Released from rehab, they could choose the camps or make their own way...but no returning to living on the streets, parks etc as they would quickly be shipped off to the camps.
Special patrols, spies everywhere.