Love thy neighbor and the ten commandments, good for Jesus and humanity. Mass immigration not so good if it causes great harm to the citizens.
Some neighbours make it very hard to love them, though. Impossible even.
bambuworld is about to be swamped by massive immigration, despite there being a severe housing shortage, including a massive rental shortage.
The left strikes again.
Helping the desperate refugees and children can be a very rewarding venture, and you can have fun as you build new housing for the refugees, and you can have fun with the architecture and landscaping, etc. And the teachers love to teach, and the chefs love to cook, and the doctors love to treat patients, etc, as more people migrate to Australia then it will create more opportunities for people to do the things that they love to do. And the Christians can minister to the migrants and they can save their souls and they can bring them to Christ, and as they come to Christ then they can join in on helping the refugees and the poor and the needy, etc.
My hometown was the fastest growing area in the United States for a long time, we did not need the new people, we have NASA and Edwards Air Force Base in the desert, and Lockheed, and Northup, etc, and we built the Space Shuttles with Rockwell, etc. My hometown was wealthy from the Aerospace and Defense industries, we did not need the new people. But, they built new housing like crazy and people came from all over the world to my hometown. When I was born Lancaster only had 10,000 people, and now the Antelope Valley has 500,000 people. As the new people came to the Antelope Valley then it created jobs for construction workers, and for all of the jobs associated with construction, plus they built new schools to teach the children, etc, and new restaurants to feed the new people, etc, and the AV has a nice Mall, etc. The community college in Lancaster was expanded and more professors were hired. Lots of people benefited from the growth in the Antelope Valley. Now, Las Vegas is the fastest growing area, I think, Vegas is growing big time.
As the new people move to Australia then the people of Australia can enjoy the building, and teaching, and cooking, etc, for the new people, and growth creates jobs and opportunities.
Australia should invite the wonderful people from the Philippines too, as Australia grows, and Australia can expand trade with the Philippines.
The main thing, the locals need to be included in the growth process, etc, it is no good if the new people displace the locals, it is no good if the locals become homeless outcasts in their own communities while the new people take over. The locals need to be able to rise and they need to be a healthy part of their communities. I ended up homeless in my own hometown, and it was all bullshit, new people came in and the locals were just left behind, they all had their ethnic communities etc that I was not a part of. And the fucking asshole drug dealers flooded my hometown with meth, etc, and then they built a prison in my hometown, so we had drug addicts and criminals which was all bullshit. I want to live in a good Christian community where people love their neighbors, and where we can all be a valued part of our communities. As cities grow then they need to pay attention to make sure the locals are not left behind. It is no good if people are homeless in their own hometowns as the new people take over.
Growth can be great if it is done right.
Tony V.