We are not going to stop MS 13 by building a wall, but we can save the youth by bringing in Father Boyle and Homeboy Industries to help.
We also have Kiwanis International.
And we have Youth For Christ.
There is also the Roman Catholic Church.
We are not going to make the world better by building walls. But, we can make the world better by helping the poor and helping the orphans, and we can teach people how to make an honest living so that they do not have to resort to crime. We can also teach people how to arm themselves and be safe from harm without creating militant gangs to protect themselves. The Salvadorans do not need MS 13 for protection, they can turn to the good Christians instead for help, and they can turn to the Catholic Church for help, etc.
And instead of having to sell illegal drugs to eat, the poor people can learn how to make an honest living with Homeboy Industries. If you can make honest money then there is no need for crime, and if you are safe then you do not need a gang for protection, the Christians can be on their team. If people have good healthy societies then they do not need drugs and crime and gangs. Father Boyle can help to teach the people of El Salvador and others how to improve their societies. Drugs, crime, and gangs, are symptoms of a sick society, Father Boyle can help to teach them how to have a healthier society.
Tony V.