Biden needs to reach across the Isle to George W. Bush and to Jeb Bush and to other powerful Republicans to bring our immigrants out of the shadows and to make our immigrants legal like Reagan did, so that our immigrants will be protected by our laws and so that they can call the police in the case of an emergency, and also so they can join Labor Unions and so they can be protected by OSHA and by our labor laws, etc. We need to bring our immigrants out of the shadows and we need to make them legal like Reagan did. And then we need to write a new Immigration Law which includes a Good Neighbor Policy.
The asshole Republicans in the Senate who want to fight against Biden instead of working together to help the poor immigrants and our people need to be ashamed of themselves. Our immigrants are human beings, and Mexicans are human beings, it is bad when they punish human beings to advance their own political position instead of helping people.
And Trump is an asshole, he is rich, he could have been donating schools and libraries in Mexico and he could have been making friends in Mexico, but Trump just wants to be an asshole.
George W. Bush, and Jeb Bush, and Condoleezza Rice, they understand, the Republicans and Democrats need to work together to help the poor immigrants instead of fighting over politics.
Tony V.