True enough. Without a World Series title you are the 2p01 Seattle Pilots or the 2017 Cleveland Indians.
Yesterday, I was listening to a discussion about who remembers what and how 100+ wins is meaningless without a ring vs. 100+ wins is meaningful.
The radio guys asked the caller to name the last winner of 100+ games and he couldn't. They understandably mocked him, since he was insisting it was important.
But he missed his chance to ask them who won the 2001 World Series, beating the 116 game winning Mariners. (Pilots! Hah! Clever.)
Without the 116 wins, nobody remembers those Mariners, but even with them, mostly people remember that they lost, but not to whom or how or anything. Yeah, here I expect people might remember it. Or some of us, at least, but likely not all.