I am an expert at showing love and compassion for the poor and the needy, and I am good at saving world economies, and at helping people, I am not an expert at punishing people, and there is no fun for me in punishing people.
So, from that perspective, then we need to appeal to the good people in Russia, who are our allies in Russia, to remove Putin and to take control of Russia, and then we can reward the good people with trade, and new businesses, and jobs, and doctors, etc.
We need for the good people in Russia to quickly take control of Russia. The same way that the Italians eventually killed Mussolini themselves. The Italians never really supported Mussolini, and the Nazis were the main source of evil.
Pope Francis has allies in Russia, maybe we can all support the allies of Pope Francis to take control of Russia and rebuild Russia.
I will have many ideas when it comes to rebuilding Russia, and to bring blessings to good people who are worthy of being blessed.
And basically, it is the same thing that we have been doing in Colombia, we helped them to remove the bad guys, and we support the good peole, and we buy coffee from Colombia, and we support education in Colombia, etc, and the President of Colombia attended Harvard, etc. We can offer those same blessings to Russia if we find allies in Russia who we can support.
Life cannot be just about punishment, there needs to be some nice rewards, and we need for the good people of Russia to choose the rewards like the people of Colombia have. Colombia is being rewarded because they are a good nation with good leaders.
Tony V.