Many people are quitting smoking cigarettes because of the health risks, knowing what we now know then we know that it is foolish to smoke, so 7 Eleven is closing convenience stores in some areas because of low cigarette sales because they depend on cigarettes sales to stay in business. So, 7 Eleven needs to add new items to their inventory to increase income as people stop buying cigarettes. 7 Eleven can carry wine, sun glasses, candy, magazines, beer, snacks, newspapers, gasoline, oil and stuff for your car, and they can look for other items to add to their inventory to increase sales.
I know from experience the benefit of having a 7 Eleven in the neighborhood, building a 7 Eleven in your community adds value to the community. And for like Del Sur Gardens on the Westside in Lancaster, California, having a Convenience Store in that area would be great for the residents, and they used to have a club with a restaurant and bar, and outdoor concerts, etc, I met ZZ Top there. And for Lake Hughes, Acton, etc, then they appreciate having 7 Eleven stores in their neighborhoods.
As people quit smoking then 7 Eleven needs to add new items to their inventory to increase profits.
Tony V.