when the weather is unexpectedly hot and supply is unreliable.
Its a cyber form of a brownout. Not Orwellian. Would you prefer this kind of brownout or having the whole grid crash and then sit there broiling?
It's the 'renewables now' obsessed leftist govt's energy policy...take over and run the use of appliances in the homes of citizens.
We have 400 years of coal and 200 years of gas...the 1000 commenters in the DT yesterday were outraged and scathing in criticism of the leftist federal govt's attempt to take our freedom away..."communism" many cried.
The no ideas closed coal fired, and gas fired power stations before their so-far useless renewables could replace them.
Ideological lunacy.
They won't stop their massive immigration, massive new houses plan...rush to EVs and the electricity they use, when they don't have enough electricity to power what there is now.
Prefer brownout or blackout?
Id rather have the grid crash than have the govt operating my washing machine, hot water, toaster, airfryer, and aircon etc.
Even on deaths doorstep, Trevor was not angry. In fact, he staunchly supported the stance promoted by his elected officials. Aint no way I would ever support Obamacare or sign up for it,he told me. I would rather die.When I asked him why he felt this way even as he faced severe illness, he explained: We dont need any more government in our lives.And in any case, no way I want my tax dollars paying for Mexicans or welfare queens.
The govt man, reminds me of the Elvis movie ...fiddling around with my home's electrical system is something I will fight.
The blackouts only last a few hours, half a day at most.
Our home is well insulated.
Mrs bambu grew up on a farm on the edge of the Outback, boiling hot in summer, freezing cold in winter ...no snow, just bone chilling, water freezing and engine block cracking cold.
She's tough. As a young child she didn't have electricity...only kerosene lamps and water heaters, wood stoves and wood heaters.
I'm not so tough...but could live without aircon, never had it as a child, the trains were like ovens.
What you never have you never miss.
During Covid I followed the caravan and camping folk traveling round Australia.
I learnt all about camping...little stoves fueled by butane canisters.
Portable hot water showers fueled by propane...I could set one up outside my home, in the covered area, and shower away, wearing board shorts of course.
Have a propane BBQ out there too, could cook meals on that.
Govt man will be running into big trouble from folk running businesses large and small, and folk wanting to shower and go into offices to work...if there are blackouts.
People wanting to cook dinner.
I can live on long life custard, canned peaches, long life milk, etc.
Not forgetting hospitals
"Barbie" having a cold shower, and her hair dryer not working because the govt man stuffed up the electricity supply. lol
Hell hath no fury like a woman with no electricity.
Anyway, break out the lawyers...for when the elderly and very young start dying because the govt man changed their aircon. settings.