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Author Topic: News in General  (Read 248410 times)


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Re: News in General
« Reply #2475 on: January 15, 2023, 01:20:58 PM »

In Anaheim our City is owned by we the citizens and we own assets here, and some of the money goes into a General Fund to be spent however the people want. And right now a huge amount of new building is happening.

One of my heroes here is a guy who owns an Italian restaurant, he feeds 5,000 children a pasta dinner every night. He has been feeding the children here for a long time. All of the stars eat at his restaurant, he is a hero here, and he does a lot to help the children. He started out as a waiter in Italy, and he learned the restaurant business, now he owns the best restaurant in Anaheim and he feeds the children.

Anaheim is a good City, and we have good schools. Lots of good things are happening in Anaheim. I just need to keep a good attitude and I need to look at the bright side.


Tony V.


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Re: News in General
« Reply #2476 on: January 15, 2023, 02:50:48 PM »

So sad about Lisa Marie Presley, we were close to the same age, her and me and Julia Roberts were all about the same age. And the Oscars are coming up, so sad that Lisa Marie did not get to go to the Oscars with the movie about her Father. It is so sad, life is so short.
If I am going to be a writer, then I need to be writing. I need to learn how to use my Apple Laptop. My Nephew's Girlfriend put my script onto the Cloud for me, that was very nice of her. I need to learn how to write and share on my Apple, and I need to add Final Draft to it. I need to go to the film school to find helpers, and to meet people. And I need to get busy writing, I have lots of ideas, and I can find cool people to write with, I work well in teams. Also, maybe I can act in some student films. And with the success of "Walker: Independence" it looks like Westerns are making a comeback, and I have an idea about a Western television series, I wrote a short story that can be a Western television series. Anyhow, life is short, and I need to get busy writing if I am going to be a writer. I need to learn how to use the Apple Laptop and I need to write. Life is too short to just waste it. And the richest woman in England is the woman who wrote "Harry Potter" and many writers are billionaires now. I can at least earn enough to open my own night club in Rome, Italy. And Rome has Cinecitta.

So sad about Lisa Marie, and it really shows us how short life is. We cannot waste life.

Maybe next week I will go to the film school and check the place out, eventually I will go there and at least have lunch, and check out the library.


Tony V.

Good plan....just be careful the cool people in the team don't steal your ideas...and write them as their own.
Maybe there is a community college or other place/program where you can learn how to use your computer.
If Hallmark movies are any guide, every *second* person in America is, or is trying to be, a it appears you'll be facing much competition.
A writer, or a marketing guru...or cookie-baker with their own store.
Marketing is the 'sexiest' job, survey bambuworld.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2023, 03:05:36 PM by bambu. »
The bad people lurk in the shadows, waiting to pounce...the moment you get security careless.


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Re: News in General
« Reply #2477 on: January 15, 2023, 03:35:24 PM »

The first person who I took my movie script to in order to try to get the money, was to Hugh Hefner, it was in the old days when we had fax machines, and I just faxed my script to Hef, he liked my script, and he wanted someone he knew and trusted to direct it, so based on his work on "The Doors" starring Val Kilmer I suggested Oliver Stone, and Hef agreed that if Oliver would direct my movie that he would put up the money, but unfortunately Oliver turned me down, and so Hef backed out and I lost the money. But, I still have the script.

And I have some ideas for some other movies, and television shows.

And yes, we have a Community College in one direction, and then in the other direction there is a Film School. I plan on going to the French Film Festival at the Community College in March, and I can meet people there who are into Cinema. I took an Italian class at the Community College and it is a cool place. I have not been to the Film School yet, I have been wanting to go see it for a long time, and I am sure I can find helpers at the Film School. I rode the train once with a Film Student from Sweden, she was a beautiful woman with long blonde hair, and she was excited to be in Hollywood and to be attending Chapman film school, and she promised to hire me as an actor to work on her films when she is successful. I do not know her name, I hope she succeeded, this was a number of years ago.

My movie script is registered with the Library of Congress, and also with the Screen Actors Guild so that I can use SAG actors, so one would hope that no one tries to steal it. And yes, as I write television shows then I need to get the copyright, etc.

And one would hope that the film students are honest, etc.


Tony V.


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Re: News in General
« Reply #2478 on: January 15, 2023, 04:43:46 PM »

We have had some sad news next-door in Riverside County, two police officers have been shot and killed recently.

And San Bernardino now has the highest crime-rate in California.

McDonald's started in San Bernardino, and San Bernardino was nice from the 1950s-1980s.

The way to save San Bernardino is by improving schools, and by expanding honest opportunities.

In Europe they are educating the young people about the danger of illegal drugs and they are making progress with education. Education is the key to everything. At the Samuel French Theatre Bookstore on Sunset Blvd in Hollywood the doorway is shaped like a key-hole as books are the key to the theatre. We can build schools instead of building prisons, and we can hire teachers instead of hiring cops and prison guards.

And the same in Kentucky, the coal jobs are gone and the coal jobs are not coming back, instead of just letting the society crumble while the people suffer in poverty and resort to whatever they can do to survive, we need to build schools and libraries and we need to educate the people.

Also, we need trained psychiatrists working with the police departments and Crisis Intervention Specialists, to defuse situations and to deal with crazy people without shooting them with a gun.

Of note, crime will go down in Los Angeles as Mayor Bass helps the homeless. As the homeless people are helped, then crime will be reduced. And we can help orphans when they are young, and we can send them to college, instead of letting the orphans end up homeless.

The malls are all shutting down in San Bernardino, we can invite the Mexicans to come to San Bernardino and to invest in building new malls, and they can sell products at the malls that are imported from Latin America. When I worked at the Broadway Department Store in Pasadena, California, then we imported a lot of our stuff from Italy, and from France, and we had stuff from New York, etc, and local stuff from Los Angeles. The Mexicans want to invest in the malls in California, and San Bernardino would be a great place for the Mexicans to open new malls.

The main politician in Corona is Sabrina Cervantes, and she is helping.

We need to educate our people, and we need a better economy, and we need to reduce crime.

And we need psychiatrists to work with the police departments, etc, and we need Mental Health Associations to help the people, and we need Wellness Centers. And housing the homeless will help to reduce crime. We also need to build new schools and libraries in Kentucky, etc, we do not want for our people to be poor and desperate, bad things happen when people are poor and desperate. We are a wealthy nation, we help the whole world, and we need to help our own people here in the USA.


Tony V.


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Re: News in General
« Reply #2479 on: January 15, 2023, 05:37:01 PM »

Charity begins at home.
Any spare money should go to Americans first.
Then, when every American is happy and comfortable, with a roof over their head and enough food to eat...sending money overseas can be entertained.
Seems to me that post-pandemic most people in the west don't have much spare cash to be spending in malls...some places a lot worse than others.
The bad people lurk in the shadows, waiting to pounce...the moment you get security careless.


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Re: News in General
« Reply #2480 on: January 15, 2023, 09:00:07 PM »

The money is good out in the desert with aerospace and defense and satellites, and they have a lot of great stores, and they have a great mall...

Antelope Valley Mall

I went to the mall in the desert with my Mother and we had ice cream cones, it was very nice.

The desert is doing great. They have Lockheed, and Northrop, and NASA out at Edwards Air Force Base, etc. My hometown in the desert built the B2 Stealth Bombers that we the USA sent to help to protect Australia. We built the Space Shuttles, and we built a lot of stuff out in the desert, and Edwards is famous for testing, be sure to watch the movie "The Right Stuff."

And Mexico wants to start investing in California, and they want to invest in malls here, and they want to sell products from Latin America in the USA, so we need to invite the Mexicans to open new malls in San Bernardino and they can sell goods from Latin America in San Bernardino. Then, as they expand, then the Mexicans can sell goods to the poor people in Kentucky, etc.


Tony V.

« Last Edit: January 15, 2023, 09:02:37 PM by FlyingVProd »


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Re: News in General
« Reply #2481 on: January 15, 2023, 10:58:22 PM »

The wife of the President of Colombia recently met with Pope Francis, Colombia is a huge success story, and is an example of how if we help poor and desperate people that we can stop the terrorism and reduce the crime. If we give the kids an education, and honest opportunities, then they do not need to become child soldiers or drug dealers, etc. By helping the kids then we take the kids away from crime and we make the kids honest. And the children can learn to be grateful for things such as a good meal, and a good book, and a clear night with a telescope, and they can ponder the questions of the universe, like the Greeks.

By investing in education in Colombia we have ended the terrorism, and Colombia now has one of the best performing economies in Latin America, and the President of Colombia attended Harvard. And Colombian coffee is very successful globally.

Bogota, Colombia, can also be a Fashion Center for Latin America, like other cities like Milan and Paris and New York. And the cinema can be supported in Colombia.

Education is making a huge difference in Colombia, and we need to continue to make advancements in the region.


Tony V.


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Re: News in General
« Reply #2482 on: January 16, 2023, 10:02:15 AM »

A look at conspiracy theories that swirl around the Davos meets.  Some of it consumed by members indigenous to EFE, then a dinner of insects.
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Re: News in General
« Reply #2483 on: January 16, 2023, 03:35:44 PM »

We have a huge egg shortage here in Anaheim, and it is a crisis here because the people here all eat eggs for breakfast, the Mexicans here eat scrambled eggs with cactus with salsa and tortillas for breakfast, with Colombian coffee. Eggs are important here, the same way that potatoes are important to the Irish.

It is all about supply and demand, and there are plenty of people who want to make money who will enter the egg business, and also we can bring eggs up from Mexico to San Diego, etc. We need for new people to enter the egg business in order to increase supply so that we can bring down the price of eggs.


Tony V.


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Re: News in General
« Reply #2484 on: January 16, 2023, 03:38:49 PM »

Come up with a cure for avian flu, Tony. That could really help the price of eggs.
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Re: News in General
« Reply #2485 on: January 16, 2023, 03:48:52 PM »

Come up with a cure for avian flu, Tony. That could really help the price of eggs.

We can do that, whatever it takes.

When I managed a dog kennel we had a cure for the canine flu that we gave the dogs up their nose. For the kennel we made sure that all of the dogs were vaccinated, and we kept it clean and well ventilated, and we kept the diseases out. And because we worked with live animals we were inspected by the United States Department of Agriculture just like an egg farm. We can give the chickens a nose dose of vaccine to prevent the avian flu, just like we gave the dogs a nose dose of vaccine to prevent the canine flu.

We can get the scientists at Vanderbilt University, and at other universities, to create a nose dose vaccine for the chickens for the avian flu.


Tony V.


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Re: News in General
« Reply #2486 on: January 16, 2023, 05:43:12 PM »

My Boss from when I managed a dog kennel wanted to cure diseases in animals and he wanted to manufacture vaccines for animals and sell the vaccines. His hero was Jonas Salk, and he wanted to be like Jonas Salk only for animals instead of people. He was in school and they were teaching him how to make vaccines for animals when World War II broke out, and he had to drop out of school to join the Marine Corps to go fight against the Japanese. The Marine Corps put my former Boss in charge of a dog kennel, breeding and raising and training Dobermans for the Marine Corps, and then he had to go to combat in Okinawa with his Doberman named Duke. So, my Boss learned the kennel business in the Marine Corps during World War II, and he learned how to breed, raise, and how to train Dobermans. But, he had a little knowledge of how to cure diseases and he taught me a lot. He thought that I might want to be a research scientist to cure diseases for animals, so he taught me a lot, I was young and curious so I was open to learning everything about everything.


Tony V.


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Re: News in General
« Reply #2487 on: January 16, 2023, 06:43:53 PM »

Six things people believe about politics that are totally wrong.

This should be required reading for every American student.
And everyone else.
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Re: News in General
« Reply #2488 on: January 16, 2023, 07:13:47 PM »

Six things people believe about politics that are totally wrong.

This should be required reading for every American student.
And everyone else.

All very nice, but...US debt clock just keeps rising.
One day, as with household budgets, the debt clock will hit the wall...and then there'll be trouble.
The bad people lurk in the shadows, waiting to pounce...the moment you get security careless.


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Re: News in General
« Reply #2489 on: January 17, 2023, 11:45:31 AM »

British Journal of Medicine publishes study of normal walking compared to silly walking.

Link for paywall blocked:

Im on the pavement

Thinking about the government
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