Facebook and Tiktok are not that great compared to the original America On Line, AOL was the best. And I still have AOL. I would love to buy AOL and return it to glory.
Social Networking on AOL was fantastic, you could share your interests and your location, etc, and you could find friends in your area who were into the same things that you were. I used to talk to women who were into acting, etc. If I wanted to find people in Anaheim who were into filmmaking, then I could just do a search on AOL and I could find all of the members on AOL who lived in Anaheim who are into filmmaking.
And AOL had forums, people could discuss events in the news, etc.
Plus AOL has email and AOL can have a top rate browser, etc, etc, etc.
Then you can bring in all of the new stuff such as screen-time communications, etc.
I am not really smart with computers, so I would have to bring in a team of experts, but I have cool ideas, I could tell my ideas to the experts.
I would buy AOL and make it the best.
Tony V.