Political cause T shirts in schools?
Simple solution...school uniforms for all students...kindergarten to high school graduation...as in my world.
Every child wears the uniform.
Poor? Genuinely can't afford the uniform?
No worries...parents can trade in/donate uniforms no longer required, to the uniform pool.
The school/Education Dept makes sure, one way or another, every child has the uniform to wear.
Not a national flag shirt, pride shirt, message shirt etc in sight.
No slippers, no flip flops, only the regulation school uniform including black shoes, and hat (sunburn and skin cancer prevention).
No underwear as outerwear, no tights as pants, only proper dresses or skirts and blouses.
No jewellery, no bling contents.
No revealing attire...and in general girls' skirts and dresses are of a respectable length.
No gender message shirts, no gender wars.
...just peaceful, quiet learning.