Vice President Harris just commented on the importance of teaching American History to all Americans, and I agree.
I had a wonderful History Professor at AVC, Dr Marks Ellis, she now teaches at Columbia University in New York City, and she could teach History on television on Saturdays, there can be shows about Science, and about History, etc, on Public Broadcasting on Saturdays, etc.
Dr Marks Ellis is a Black woman from Haiti, and she is an expert on American History, her specialty is the Great Depression, she studied what caused the Great Depression, and she studied about the Great Depression itself, and she studied what America did after the Great Depression to make sure that another Great Depression never happens again. She is an expert on all of American History, but Professor Marks Ellis is especially well educated on the issue of the Great Depression.
We need to put our great professors onto Public Broadcasting on Saturdays, including having wonderful History professors such as Dr Marks Ellis.
Tony V.