Someone should be checking your blood sugar, Bambi. You seem a little out of balance
I've been out of balance since age 16 when I was run down by a car on the side of a busy road thru my then Sydney suburb.
Major concussion etc. So if I stray from the forum path of righteousness, you'll have to forgive me.
Be careful crossing, playing near roads. Teach your children too.
Toddler girl of Indian heritage was accidentally run over and killed by her father in the driveway of their home in Sydney recently.
The next day the same thing happened to a boy toddler somewhere else in the state.
You usually only get one chance, the vehicle usually wins.
American exchange student on Youtube says in her video that when in Australia in 2023 she was nearly hit by cars when crossing the coming from the other direction.
In Sydney CBD and some major suburbs, at intersections where pedestrians cross, is painted on the sidewalk "LOOK RIGHT".
I always look both ways 3 times before crossing any road. It's a good policy.
Also when driving, my head is like a clown at the fair, its head alwqys turning from side to side, you putting a ping pong/table tennis ball into its mouth to see if you win a prize.
We have 'roundabouts/traffic circles' *everywhere* instead of traffic lights.
Vehicles coming from the left, coming from the right, coming from straight ahead into the roundabout. It can be mayhem, especially with multiple lanes each way.
I was thrown totally out of balance last week when our relative's wife, in her 60's, died.
Seeing him at the funeral grieving was upsetting.
Realising what I'm in for if mrs bambu dies before me was /is horrible.