When borders are open, and immigrants can just waltz in un-documented, un-identified, un-background checked, ...anarchy.....along with them can waltz in the bad people, the really bad people, the really really bad people, including rapists, killers, drug cartel kings and their foot-soldiers.
The once-nice nation then quickly turns into a basket-case of evil.
We need to make our immigrants legal, and we need to bring them out of the shadows so that they can call the police in the case of an emergency and so that they can join labor unions, etc.
Making our immigrants legal, and fixing our immigration laws so that it is easier for people to become legal citizens, will reduce crime. And the immigrants will not be afraid to report crimes if they are legal.
Right now we have women who are getting raped by evil men, and they cannot call the police because they are poor and illegal, and they are afraid they will be deported if they report the crime. It is a shameful situation. We need to make our people legal, like Reagan did, so that the people can report crimes.
And if our immigrants are legal then they can join the United Farm Workers union and other unions and they can be paid fair and they can be treated well.
We also need libraries and schools for the Farm Workers, etc.
We need to help the good people, and we need for the good people to be able to call the police in the case of a crime. And we need for the workers to have good working conditions and fair pay, etc, we need for our workers to be able to legally join unions.
The Unions can tell the workers where the jobs are, and the immigrants need to legally be able to go to work, and they need to be able to safely travel on Greyhound Buses, etc.
And the homeless people can get housing and help right along with the immigrants and with the refugees. We can help everyone at once. All people are created equal and we can help everyone at once. And they need to all be able to call the police to report a crime.
Tony V.