We need to make sure that the victims of the Islamic Republic of Iran become martyrs.
The revolution has already started in Iran, and young people such as Mahlagha Jaberi will lead Iran to a new future without leadership by the Islamic Republic.
And for Christians it is not about punishment but instead is where we get our freedom from and our freedom was given to all men by God. God created all men equal with good human rights.
There are some things in Iran, such as by covering their faces then people will do things that normally they would not do if their faces were made known. If your face is made known and if you are held accountable for your actions, then that affects behavior. Also, they want to punish people quickly so that they can stop other people from protesting, they want to punish the people quickly and in public so that they can show the masses what happens if you go against their bullshit Islamic Republic. But if the people would stand up then they can stop the Islamic Republic, and the victims can be martyrs, they can use the blood of the victims as fuel for the revolution to overthrow the Islamic Republic.
We need to support Mahlagha Jaberi and other brave Persians as they rise up against the Islamic Republic. The victims are all martyrs at this point, adding more victims is just throwing more gasoline on the fire.
Meanwhile the Christians are about love, and freedom, and we have a wonderful Pope, Pope Francis is a great man of peace. And Christians need to help the homeless, and the Christians need to minister to the people in prison, and the Christians need to help the orphans, etc.
And we need to change the way that the Arabs think, and we need to see if we can create their entertainment for them, and write their movies and television shows, etc. Maybe we can change how the Persians and others think if we can control their entertainment.
Tony V.