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Author Topic: News in General  (Read 201363 times)

Hairy Lime

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Re: News in General
« Reply #2775 on: February 17, 2023, 12:48:42 PM »

Red seems unaware the POTUS did, in fact, call Gov. DeWine and say "anything you need" to help.  The RW bubble narrative that Biden is somehow ignoring the spill is false and counterproductive to fixing the transport issues.  We should question always government assurances, especially where vinyl chloride is concerned, which is why it's good that individual house testing is being done.  Bedding towels and clothes can contain residues even after exterior air is okay, and the advice to launder everything is good.  People questioning government measurements of toxins is a nonpartisan ongoing thing that always should happen because EPA staff can't be everywhere.   We will always need Brockoviches.
At least you are a predictable partisan hack.
Clearly what your psychiatrist calls proiection.
Imagine a train derailment  on a par with the one in East Palestine , (dead animals, bellied up fish, chemical cloud hanging over the town, residents evacuated,  afraid of their drinking water and future health) took place in D.C or Chicago, etc. not in a rust belt town of middle class white people who vote republican.
The federal government would offer, and the local government would accept, aid and resources.  Which is what is happening now. NTSB, EPA and Transportation have been at the scene assisting local authorities since the accident happened and are staying there indefinitely. You PROVEN LIAR  and Comically Transparent Partisan Hack.

The hypocrisy of a Biden and Buttigieg is palpable.
Some might call it racist.
Only if you are a PROVEN LIAR and a Comically Transparent Partisan Hack. Which you are.

Actually the aid is not "there now" in East Palestine.

Imagine - migrants put up in fancy hotels, fed like kings - and our own are treated thusly

Sickens me.
Yes, the DeWine administration and local authorities have a lot to answer for.
"Not that others should have relief while you are burdened, but that as a matter of equality your abundance at the present time should supply their needs, so that their abundance may also supply your needs, that there may be equality."

The word of the lord.

Thanks be to God.

Hairy Lime

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Re: News in General
« Reply #2776 on: February 17, 2023, 12:51:32 PM »

The New York Times lectures employees on what their jobs are.
An employer setting the rules and ethical responsibilities for employees in the performance of their jobs? Heaven forfend!
"Not that others should have relief while you are burdened, but that as a matter of equality your abundance at the present time should supply their needs, so that their abundance may also supply your needs, that there may be equality."

The word of the lord.

Thanks be to God.


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Re: News in General
« Reply #2777 on: February 17, 2023, 01:15:10 PM »

Red seems unaware the POTUS did, in fact, call Gov. DeWine and say "anything you need" to help.  The RW bubble narrative that Biden is somehow ignoring the spill is false and counterproductive to fixing the transport issues.  We should question always government assurances, especially where vinyl chloride is concerned, which is why it's good that individual house testing is being done.  Bedding towels and clothes can contain residues even after exterior air is okay, and the advice to launder everything is good.  People questioning government measurements of toxins is a nonpartisan ongoing thing that always should happen because EPA staff can't be everywhere.   We will always need Brockoviches.
At least you are a predictable partisan hack.
Clearly what your psychiatrist calls proiection.
Imagine a train derailment  on a par with the one in East Palestine , (dead animals, bellied up fish, chemical cloud hanging over the town, residents evacuated,  afraid of their drinking water and future health) took place in D.C or Chicago, etc. not in a rust belt town of middle class white people who vote republican.
The federal government would offer, and the local government would accept, aid and resources.  Which is what is happening now. NTSB, EPA and Transportation have been at the scene assisting local authorities since the accident happened and are staying there indefinitely. You PROVEN LIAR  and Comically Transparent Partisan Hack.

The hypocrisy of a Biden and Buttigieg is palpable.
Some might call it racist.
Only if you are a PROVEN LIAR and a Comically Transparent Partisan Hack. Which you are.

Actually the aid is not "there now" in East Palestine.

Imagine - migrants put up in fancy hotels, fed like kings - and our own are treated thusly

Sickens me.
Yes, the DeWine administration and local authorities have a lot to answer for.

DeWine AWOL as usual.

If it does not involve stripping rights, fleecing rubes, or directly harming children, republicans just cannot be bothered.
Will the Supreme Court grant trump work release to attend the republican national convention?

For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for Nature cannot be fooled.

Richard P. Feynman


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Re: News in General
« Reply #2778 on: February 17, 2023, 01:32:03 PM »

We are a rich nation, yet we have old trains that are derailing, and we still do not have high speed trains here even though the voters here approved funding for high speed trains 3 times. The people want the high speed trains. The state of California is doing a horrible job at managing the building of our high speed trains, they are slow and over-budget, they need to hire way more people and they need to work on many sections at once, and let us get our high speed trains built.

And Amtrak is nationally owned, and we still do not have high speed trains here. And Amtrak needs to build a high speed train between Anaheim and Las Vegas. The freeways are crowded with traffic, and the automobile manufacturers and the gasoline industry has such a hold on things that we cannot get our high speed trains built. The people want the high speed trains.

As we improve rail travel for passengers, then we can also improve rail for freight.

We have crowds of people at the Southern Border, let the people come in and give them jobs building our high speed trains, and new rail for freight. Etc. And we have 60,000 homeless people in Los Angeles, we need to put the people to work who are able to work, we need to create easy jobs that the homeless people can do, such as building high speed trains, and working in the forests to prevent forest fires, etc. The homeless people can also do beautification projects, etc. There are a lot of jobs we can create for the homeless.


Tony V.


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Re: News in General
« Reply #2779 on: February 17, 2023, 01:57:56 PM »

Hasn't crossed your wee mind that some of your WEAM nations enslaved those countries and exploited them for centuries until colonialism ended, then mired them in debt while killing any local value-added production.   

Many WEAM nations, US especially, built their economies with slave labor. Both overseas slavery, and domestic.

Indeed..."guns beat spears".
But today, in 2023?

10 Facts on Modern Slavery in Mexico and Haiti- The Globalist

Yes, what the norm in America when America becomes 'Mexico', as is fast happening.
Criminal cartels, you see.

Not only Mexico, repeat for Central America.
Predatory Central America gangs, you see.

Google 'Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking in Latin America'.

Yes, when WEA people are abolished in America and it becomes something else, best of luck to y'all and your descendants, because it seems to me that you, and they, are gonna need it.
Oh, and any Black people in America cheering for the demise of WEA-M America thinking they'll get a better deal from their new rulers should read some more.



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Re: News in General
« Reply #2780 on: February 17, 2023, 03:07:35 PM »

CNN employees rip Don Lemon for his ageist remarks about Nikki Haley being
past her prime
She is 51.

Lemon apologized today but it only made matters worse.

A CNN insider, after the apology, labeled Lemon
a fucking asshole

This Is CNN


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Re: News in General
« Reply #2781 on: February 17, 2023, 03:20:13 PM »

CNN employees rip Don Lemon for his ageist remarks about Nikki Haley being
past her prime
She is 51.

Lemon apologized today but it only made matters worse.

A CNN insider, after the apology, labeled Lemon
a fucking asshole

This Is CNN

Don Lemon is a jerk!
"There you go givin a fuck when it's not your turn to give a fuck"

Oil Filter

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Re: News in General
« Reply #2782 on: February 17, 2023, 03:58:43 PM »

The New York Times lectures employees on what their jobs are.
An employer setting the rules and ethical responsibilities for employees in the performance of their jobs? Heaven forfend!

AFAICT this whole tempest in a teapot arose from an opinion piece in the grey lady which defended JK Rowling.  Who spoke freely on the notion that eliminating biological women as a social class would not be good for feminist goals like women's rights, especially reproductive rights.  Calm rational dialog on such topics seem to be impossible now.  Biological women will henceforth be called "people who menstruate." 
Peoples minds are changed through observation and not through argument.    - Will Rogers


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Will the Supreme Court grant trump work release to attend the republican national convention?

For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for Nature cannot be fooled.

Richard P. Feynman

Hairy Lime

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Re: News in General
« Reply #2784 on: February 17, 2023, 04:13:15 PM »

CNN employees rip Don Lemon for his ageist remarks about Nikki Haley being
past her prime
She is 51.

Lemon apologized today but it only made matters worse.

A CNN insider, after the apology, labeled Lemon
a fucking asshole

This Is CNN

Don Lemon is a jerk!
I think it highly amusing that on a day when it has become apparent that Faux News ran with "news" stories that supported the claims of election fraud to stop hemorrhaging viewrs to even further right channels, despite every last one of them knowing the claims of fraud were false and stating so in private, "Don Lemon said something stupid" is the media news story he thinks we should be interested in.
"Not that others should have relief while you are burdened, but that as a matter of equality your abundance at the present time should supply their needs, so that their abundance may also supply your needs, that there may be equality."

The word of the lord.

Thanks be to God.


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Re: News in General
« Reply #2785 on: February 17, 2023, 04:29:25 PM »

The New York Times lectures employees on what their jobs are.
An employer setting the rules and ethical responsibilities for employees in the performance of their jobs? Heaven forfend!

AFAICT this whole tempest in a teapot arose from an opinion piece in the grey lady which defended JK Rowling.  Who spoke freely on the notion that eliminating biological women as a social class would not be good for feminist goals like women's rights, especially reproductive rights.  Calm rational dialog on such topics seem to be impossible now.  Biological women will henceforth be called "people who menstruate."
Guess you are not keeping up.


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Re: News in General
« Reply #2786 on: February 17, 2023, 04:40:32 PM »

Beverly Hills is going to end up like Monaco, with Body Guards all over, there is no crime in Monaco because they have Body Guards all over.

A Jew was shot as he walked out of a temple here in Los Angeles, a man just walked up and shot him, luckily he only was hit in the arm, but still, the battle from the Middle East has come to Los Angeles. The poor man was shot by a stranger for no reason, other than he was a Jew walking out of a temple. Now the temple has guards all over. So now all of the rich Jews in Hollywood are going to have Body Guards. Plus with all of the crime in Beverly Hills, they are rich and they are going to spend money to hire security. And even like when I worked for Suzanne Pleshette, she paid me to stand at her front door, and to park the cars, as a security measure at her building, we had zero crime in that building, we kept it very safe. So, all of the stars are going to have Body Guards, and doormen, and valets, etc.

Also, a school in Culver City is having problems with playground violence, etc, and the school needs to have adults on the playground to supervise the youth. We must not tolerate playground violence in our schools. It is pure negligence to allow a bully to beat up a kid on the playground. And the schools need better security anyway. When the parents send their children to school then they need to know that the children will be safe at school, and we are rich if it is a matter of spending the money to hire the playground supervisors and armed security guards for the schools. Right now is not a time to be a cheap-skate when it comes to security for the children. We also have undercover cops mixed in with the high school students and with the college students here in Los Angeles. Also, some of the homeless people are really undercover cops.

The rich people all need to spend some money for security, the Jews need to spend money for security, and everyone in society needs security. I am lucky to live in a fairly safe neighborhood, I live right by City Hall. We have a park with tennis courts. Plus, we have a swimming pool. And we have a gated community with cameras all over. I also have some neighbors who are professional boxers, and we have boxers jogging through our streets. But even so, I am more alert because of the crime.

When I lived in Malibu then people had to go through 2 security gates to get to our house, and I had a roommate who was the daughter of a Chinese General. And we had 2 big dogs, with motion detectors with flood lights all over the property, and cameras at the gates, etc. Plus I had a gun, so we were very safe. I rented a room with a lady and her 2 daughters, and she said I made them feel safe, they liked having me there, and we had a lady there who was the daughter of a Chinese General, and then we had another roommate from China who was a Research Scientist, he was American but his parents were both from China. They liked having me there, and they said I made them feel safe.

Anyhow, it is a dangerous world right now, and we need to have security everywhere. It is no time to be cheap when it comes to spending money for security.

I also know how to train Doberman Guard Dogs that people sell to executives for a lot of money. Everyone in Hollywood should have guard dogs. A bad guy is not going to mess around if he sees a Doberman. And the Jews can buy Dobermans, etc, everyone can save the big dogs from the animal shelters, my Grandmother got a great Doberman from the animal shelter.


Tony V.

« Last Edit: February 17, 2023, 04:47:43 PM by FlyingVProd »


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Re: News in General
« Reply #2787 on: February 17, 2023, 05:40:30 PM »

This is one year old, but 70% of Americans support a path to citizenship for our immigrants.

We need to make our immigrants legal, and we need to write a new immigration law which includes a Good Neighbor Policy.

And we can put the immigrants to work building our high speed trains and new freight rail, etc.


Tony V.

Oil Filter

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Re: News in General
« Reply #2788 on: February 17, 2023, 05:53:40 PM »

The New York Times lectures employees on what their jobs are.
An employer setting the rules and ethical responsibilities for employees in the performance of their jobs? Heaven forfend!

AFAICT this whole tempest in a teapot arose from an opinion piece in the grey lady which defended JK Rowling.  Who spoke freely on the notion that eliminating biological women as a social class would not be good for feminist goals like women's rights, especially reproductive rights.  Calm rational dialog on such topics seem to be impossible now.  Biological women will henceforth be called "people who menstruate."
Guess you are not keeping up.

You suck at guessing.  Better stick to copy/pasting. 
Peoples minds are changed through observation and not through argument.    - Will Rogers


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Re: News in General
« Reply #2789 on: February 17, 2023, 06:42:36 PM »

Guess you are not keeping up.

You suck at guessing.  Better stick to copy/pasting.
Will the Supreme Court grant trump work release to attend the republican national convention?

For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for Nature cannot be fooled.

Richard P. Feynman
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