Blizzards and snow in California
Hollywood got a mention.
Break out the buckets, and save the water for the summer.
We are so lucky, we need the water, and the Western states which depend on the Colorado River were all getting edgy, people were getting ready to fight over water. California owns the rights to the water for our farmers, and for our people, and so some of the other states were getting ready to rebel against California owning the water rights. The rain and snow came just in time to help us to keep the peace, we have plenty of water for now, so there is no need to fight over water. But, we need to plan for the future, and we need to build more dams, and lakes, and new aguaducts, etc.
Tony V.
Words straight out of my no1 radio host's [now retired] "Watering Australia" manifesto.
25 years he tried to tell politicians and govts...but they didn't listen.
Sounds like he was a wise radio host, too bad that he retired.
Biden and Harris keep saying they want to work on our water system, and they say they want trains, we need to get it all going, we need to put the homeless people to work, and we can put the immigrants on our Southern Border to work, and we can build more dams, lakes, and acquaducts, etc, and we can build high speed trains, etc.
There was one project here in Los Angeles, the money was there to get the work done, but the people in office waited too long to do the work and the money was lost. If the Government gives you money to do a project then you need to hurry and hire people and get the job done, otherwise you lose the money and the money goes back to the Government.
If we allocate the money to build high speed trains, and to build more dams, lakes, and acquaducts, then we need to hurry and put people to work to get the stuff built that we need.
Tony V.