It is hard with race in the USA. It would be easier if we were all the same race like Israel with the Jews, Israel is the most united nation in the world in my opinion. We need to have the same equality that Israel has, only we need to do it with all of the world's people, and all people need to be equal.
In Israel it is easy to take care of the poor and to help the young people to get started in Business, etc, they just naturally take care of their own people, and plus they are all Jews and God told them to take care of each other and to help the poor. But, in the USA we are all different, and people may not feel connected to a homeless person, they do not feel any obligation to help that homeless person, even if the homeless person is a Veteran who put his life in danger for the USA then the people still do not feel any obligation to help that homeless person.
Christians are supposed to give 10% to the Church, and the Church is supposed to help the homeless and the widows and the orphans, etc, but many people are not Christians.
So we need to have all people as equals, and we have Social Security, and Health Care, for all people, and finally now with Mayor Bass we are helping the homeless people in Los Angeles. The USA is learning and growing and we are helping the homeless people now, we are making progress.
We need for the USA to have the same unity that Israel has, and to help our poor and our people with the same purpose that Israel does. We need for all men to be equal, just like the Jews are equal. And we need for the USA to be united with the same connection to each other that the Jews have.
The USA is a one of a kind nation, this is the only place that is for all people of the world, and where all people are equal. It is hard, but we are making progress.
Tony V.