The USA just made a deal with Iran to free some people, and the people on the news are leaving a lot out when they discuss Iran. For instance, we have 500,000 people from Iran in Beverly Hills, and 40% of the children in the schools in Beverly Hills are from Iran. Iran is right here in California. We need to improve relations and we need to improve human rights.
Also of note, is we have Mahlagha Jaberi who is a leader in the Persian community, and Mahlagha can help.
I worked with people from the Middle East at The Broadway Department Store in Pasadena, my Boss was Persian, She loved fashion and she dreamed of owning her own store, and we had Persians on our team.
Of note, when you pay high prices for gasoline, a lot of the money is being spent in Beverly Hills, some of the oil money is coming right here to Beverly Hills.
We have a lot of people here from Iran, one community leader is Mahlagha Jaberi, and we need to improve relations with Iran, and we need to improve human rights for the people of Iran.
( And I am a crusader, I would love to bring all of the Persians to Christ, I would love to show them the love and charity of the Lord and I would love to bring all of the Persians to Jesus. We can show the Persians love, and we can win them over with love. Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that. We can show love and charity to the people of Iran, while we stand in protest to abuses suffered by the Persian people. The Calvary Chapel Church is a good Church to begin with on helping to win over the hearts of the Persians, and other churches can join in as they are able. )
Tony V.