Japan is rich, and they could fund Peace Corps type programs, etc. There is stuff that Japan can do to promote peace in the world. Japan can reach out to the poor of North Korea and can offer a more prosperous future and a better standard of living, etc.
And Japan can learn from Italy and Spain and France when it comes to their Business Model, the Japanese Business Model sucks, the Japanese work themselves to death, they sacrifice everything for the corporation, many do not find wives because they are too busy working, and many couples do not have children because they are working all of the time. Japan is closing schools because they have a declining birthrate. So, my advice is for Japan to learn from the Italians with their big Italian families, and the Japanese need to start drinking Chianti like the Italians, and the Japanese need to find the beauty in life and the Italians know that life is all about LOVE. The Japanese need to learn from the Italians on how to have a better quality of life, and on how to have a better business model, etc.
Tony V.