It is very important for our schools to teach children right from wrong, and we need for the public schools to be just as safe as the Christian Schools, and we need for all children to learn to treat other people the same way that they themselves wish to be treated, we need to teach our children empathy.
Christians are taught the 10 Commandments, along with the Golden Rule to Love Our Neighbors, and we need to teach the same basic principles to all children, they need to be taught not to lie, and not to steal, and not to sleep with someone else's wife, and not to kill, etc, etc, etc, and to love your neighbors and to treat other people as you wish to be treated yourself.
We have 33% of our population in California who moved here from other nations, and we need to teach them what type of behavior is acceptable in America. 40% of the children in the public schools in Beverly Hills are Persian, and it is up to us to teach them all of the wonderful things about America, and about what makes America special, and we need to teach the children to love America and to be grateful to have America.
Right now we have people stealing so bad that the stores cannot even keep toilet paper on the shelves because people steal it... we have the Cub Scouts for the young boys that teaches the boys many wonderful things, we need for the Persian boys to join the Cub Scouts here with the other boys. You do not have to be Christian to be a scout, the Persians are welcome in the Scouts.
And Kiwanis International is a welcoming organization, and they have the Key Club, and there is Circle K, etc. The Persians can do charity work with Kiwanis, they are welcome.
We need to raise better children, and I would rather spend more money on teachers, and less money on prisons. Plus, we want a good society to live in, we need to raise better children.
Hillary said it takes a village to raise a kid, and that is true, we need to raise better children who grow up to be better adults.
Tony V.