When the USA was forming there was a lot of men, and very few women. Nevada has bordellos because there were not any women in the West. In New Orleans they used to bring in ships full of women, being one of the few cities with lots of women.
As Kiwanis helps to rescue the women of Iran from abuses, then many of the Persians are coming to California. Los Angeles has almost 1 million Persians now. And many Persians are famous on Social Media now, such as Mahlagha Jaberi, and Mahlagha is working hard to improve the rights of women in Iran, and I am sure they are bringing the Persian women to California. The Persians also love France, and Farah Pahlavi lives in France.
Of note, many of the refugee women from Ukraine are stars on Social Media now, and they can help to guide the other women from Ukraine to safe places, such as to the Kiwanis Village in Victoria, Canada. And more safe Kiwanis Villages can be built around the world wherever needed. Kiwanis can sell Kiwanis brand bottled drinking water to raise money to help refugees, etc.
In the poor parts of Los Angeles it is all young men, with no women, the women all leave the bad areas and the women move to live in the nice areas. Malibu is full of women, when I lived in Malibu a lot of my neighbors were women, and in Topanga there is a lot of women, the women live in the nice safe areas. The same will happen in Iran, all of the women will escape from Iran to come to America, and soon Iran will be all poor lonely men. The women refuse to live in bad areas, and they all leave to live in the nice areas, Malibu is full of women.
Tony V.