Mark Twain gave some advice that has served me well over the years, and that is to pick my battles and not to lower myself to fighting with swine because passers-by might not be able to tell the difference. In the big city you need to know when to just ignore people and keep walking, some battles are not worth fighting. I have nothing to prove, and I will never see these people again, so sometimes the best thing to do is to just ignore people and keep walking.
Today is a beautiful day, and I was out walking to the post office, and as I was crossing a parking lot this fat lady in an SUV started honking her horn and screaming at me, I have no idea who she was, or why she was screaming and honking, but I just ignored her and kept walking. It is still a beautiful day because I choose to pick my battles wisely, and I am not going to have a screaming match with a crazy fat lady for no reason. Sometimes it is best to just ignore people and keep walking. I will never see her again and she is insignificant. Whatever problem that she was having had nothing to do with me. I am not going to let some crazy fat lady mess up my day. Sometimes the classiest thing to do is to just ignore people and keep walking.
That is good advice for the youth who are moving to Hollywood from small towns and who need to learn to live in the City, is that in the City you need to pick your battles wisely, and not every battle is worth fighting, sometimes the best thing to do is to just ignore people. You can avoid a lot of problems by picking your battles wisely. Sometimes the best thing to do is to just keep on walking.
Tony V.