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Author Topic: News in General  (Read 243989 times)


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Re: News in General
« Reply #9510 on: July 20, 2024, 02:39:01 PM »

On the issue of the Middle East, Richard Branson proposes that they co-exist, and co-inhabit, the land, while they call it whatever they want, the Jews can call it Israel, and the Muslims can call it Palestine, or whatever, while they live in peace on the same land. It sounds crazy, but I respect Richard Branson a lot and so I spent some time thinking about it, and it really is not so crazy, the people can all live in peace on the same land and they can call it whatever they want. His video has been widely viewed, but I doubt the world would accept the plan.

Trump had the Abraham Accord, which took them traveling in time to a place where the various faiths were united in Abraham.

Right now the Muslims are into money, and Golf, and Abu Dhabi and Dubai are wealthy, etc. Maybe we can use money to move them in the direction of peace and prosperity.

The Palestinians have just been pawns for dirt-bags who benefited from the violence and division such as Arafat, etc.

The Jews are like the Whites with Apartheid in South Africa, but Israel is the home of the Jews so they fight for it. Richard Branson hopes they can all learn to co-inhabit the land and live in peace, and they can call it whatever they want.

Here locally, the Muslims, Jews, Christians, and other faiths are all protected by our Bill of Rights, and Civil Rights Acts, and we co-exist all as Americans.

I am getting tired of the endless wars, and it is not good for humanity to always be killing each other. We need to use the United Nations, etc, and we need to make the peace. The same with Russia and Ukraine, and the Russian Tea Room in New York City can help.

And send the refugees to Canada, to Victoria, British Columbia to the Kiwanis Village.


Tony V.


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Re: News in General
« Reply #9511 on: July 20, 2024, 03:52:00 PM »

One huge thing that hurts our communities is apathy, some people just do not care about their community, they do not care about anything but themselves, so it makes it hard for cities to find community volunteers. So, I suggested to the City of Anaheim that they go to Kiwanis to seek community helpers and volunteers. I was in Kiwanis International for 2 years and we did a lot of cool stuff, we had pancake breakfasts to raise money for college scholarships for the Key Club members, etc, and we went door knocking and we did community organizing and we turned the worst neighborhood in town into a nice safe neighborhood, we had the Chief of Police in Kiwanis with us, John Welter, and we went door knocking and we passed out the contact information for the owners of the apartment complexes, etc, and we brought the neighborhood out to help to paint over the graffiti, etc, we cleaned it up and it stayed nice, right now to this day that is still a nice neighborhood. So, the City of Anaheim can find volunteers at Kiwanis International, there are people who are trying to make their lives matter, they want to be a part of something bigger than themselves, so they volunteer and join Kiwanis. People who join Kiwanis are NOT apathetic.


Tony V.


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Re: News in General
« Reply #9512 on: July 21, 2024, 07:23:20 PM »

If we want to reduce crime in America then we need to get people to lower their expectations, and they need to stop associating America with wealth and success, and people need to stop associating being poor with suffering, just because you are poor does not mean that you need to suffer, most people on the planet are poor. We need to stop associating wealth with quality of life. One is not a failure just because one fails to attain material wealth.

And the USA was based on Athens, and Rome, and in Athens they lived on an island and they enjoyed life by studying, and by learning, and they had theatre, and wine, and women, etc. They did not have expensive houses and expensive cars.

Somehow in America we got hooked on the idea that life was somehow all about money, which just sets us up to be miserable when we fail to achieve those unobtainable goals. We need to get back to being grateful for food, and shelter, and for freedom. If you are free with food and shelter then you are richer than a lot of people on this planet.

And our time is our greatest currency, time is what is of value, the money is just a tool to make life better and to help people, but we must not associate being poor with suffering, etc, just because you are poor does not mean that you need to suffer.

People need to lower their expectations of how life is in America, and what success is in America in 2024. Success can be as simple as a nice dinner with a bottle of good cheap wine and a nice cheap apartment with a comfortable bed. Or a travel trailer in Battle Mountain, Nevada, or whatever. If you have a travel trailer in Battle Mountain, Nevada, and a job as a cook at the casino, then you are richer than many people in the world.

We need for television shows, and music videos, and films, etc, to show the reality in 2024, and to show what we are about. We are about Athens, and Rome, and Aristotle, etc. We can dream big dreams, and we can send people to Mars, but we must never base our value on material wealth. The time is what is important, and we must never waste time being miserable just because we are poor, most people are poor, being poor does not mean you must suffer. And we have 125,000 homeless people in California right now, so if you have a home you are blessed and lucky, even an old travel trailer in Battle Mountain is heaven if you are homeless. People need to practice having an attitude of gratitude and people need to lower their expectations. Just because you live in a travel trailer does not mean that you failed, or that you are lesser of a person.


Tony V.


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Re: News in General
« Reply #9513 on: July 21, 2024, 07:51:20 PM »

On the issue of the Middle East, Richard Branson proposes that they co-exist, and co-inhabit, the land, while they call it whatever they want, the Jews can call it Israel, and the Muslims can call it Palestine, or whatever, while they live in peace on the same land. It sounds crazy, but I respect Richard Branson a lot and so I spent some time thinking about it, and it really is not so crazy, the people can all live in peace on the same land and they can call it whatever they want. His video has been widely viewed, but I doubt the world would accept the plan.

Trump had the Abraham Accord, which took them traveling in time to a place where the various faiths were united in Abraham.

Right now the Muslims are into money, and Golf, and Abu Dhabi and Dubai are wealthy, etc. Maybe we can use money to move them in the direction of peace and prosperity.

The Palestinians have just been pawns for dirt-bags who benefited from the violence and division such as Arafat, etc.

The Jews are like the Whites with Apartheid in South Africa, but Israel is the home of the Jews so they fight for it. Richard Branson hopes they can all learn to co-inhabit the land and live in peace, and they can call it whatever they want.

Here locally, the Muslims, Jews, Christians, and other faiths are all protected by our Bill of Rights, and Civil Rights Acts, and we co-exist all as Americans.

I am getting tired of the endless wars, and it is not good for humanity to always be killing each other. We need to use the United Nations, etc, and we need to make the peace. The same with Russia and Ukraine, and the Russian Tea Room in New York City can help.

And send the refugees to Canada, to Victoria, British Columbia to the Kiwanis Village.


Tony V.

Think in Israel/Palestine...after Oct 7, the only way a two-state solution will be possible and succeed is for each side to be fortified with unbreachable walls, fences, wide and deep moats, razor wire, anti-missile systems, bullets and bombs.
The bad people lurk in the shadows, waiting to pounce...the moment you get security careless.


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Re: News in General
« Reply #9514 on: July 22, 2024, 10:21:32 PM »

SkyNews scroll thrus:

1. War games begin in Taiwan to prepare for any invasion by China.

2. Confirmed...deaths of two more hostages being held in Gaza.
The bad people lurk in the shadows, waiting to pounce...the moment you get security careless.


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Re: News in General
« Reply #9515 on: July 22, 2024, 11:14:06 PM »

We need peace with China, and we need Muzi to help to make the peace, she is the daughter of the President of China who attended Harvard.

And Bambu, be sure to welcome the Persian Gypsies to Australia, they are sweet, kind people. I had neighbors who were Persian Gypsies and there was about 20 of them living in 2 apartments next door to each other, and they had 2 vans that they drove around in, and they went barefoot in homemade dresses, they were beautiful, like the women of Cyprus, and then sadly someone threw a brick through their window and scared them away, so sad, I liked the Persian Gypsies and they were good neighbors.

The weather is beautiful here in Anaheim. A funny story, I was walking to the store and there was a homeless guy on the sidewalk with an Ice Pick and at first the Artist in me thought about Friar Tuck and Robin Hood, but then I got real, and I walked around him peacefully. But, then later walking to the Mexican Market through the park then all was peaceful and nice. Everything is cool.

And Zelenskyy needs to come to the Russian Tea Room here in New York City to get help.



Tony V.


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Re: News in General
« Reply #9516 on: July 22, 2024, 11:46:53 PM »

We have 50,000 people from Australia here in Los Angeles. My advice is to stay in the nice areas like Topanga, and Malibu, etc, and Laguna, and Anaheim, and Hollywood, and other nice areas, Newport Beach, etc, etc. The Australians can make money from owning restaurants where they can serve Australian Beef and Beer to Americans, such as the Outback Restaurants. And then in the case of an emergency, if you hit rock bottom and need a cheap safe place then I recommend Battle Mountain, Nevada. You can rent a room over the Tavern in Battle Mountain for $100 per month, and you can buy a travel trailer for cheap in Battle Mountain, etc. Antelope Valley College in Lancaster is a great place for the Australians to study for their Associate in Arts degrees, etc. And we have USC film school, and Chapman film school, etc. And Mel Gibson lives close by at Cross Creek Road and Pacific Coast Highway at Paradise Cove in Malibu.

And Olivia Newton John lived in Malibu, etc. That is a safe spot for the Australians, Malibu is safe, and Topanga is safe, etc.


Tony V.


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Re: News in General
« Reply #9517 on: July 23, 2024, 05:24:38 PM »

Inglewood is closing 5 schools because of a reduction in children in the region...

With that same mode of thinking then we need to bull-doze and destroy the prison in Lancaster, California, we need to be better people with a fewer number of prisoners, and thus we need to destroy the prison in Lancaster and put a SCHOOL there instead, we need Doctors, and Psychiatrists, etc, and Nurses, etc, we can train Doctors and Psychiatrists and Nurses, etc, in Lancaster where the prison is currently located.

If we can close schools for the children, then we can close prisons as we have fewer prisoners, and we can close the prison in Lancaster and replace it with a Medical School to train Doctors, etc, and Psychiatrists, etc, and Nurses, etc.


Tony V.


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Re: News in General
« Reply #9518 on: July 23, 2024, 05:36:41 PM »

Yes, wherever one goes in the world today it's imperative to have absolute security, or else one can meet the bad people and suffer assault, sexual assault, robbery, and / or death.

Trump...shot, no absolute security.
Aussie surfers murdered in Mexico, no absolute security.

. White, 25 yr old Aussie woman allegedly gang raped in Paris by five men of 'African descent' yesterday.
. Two ch9 Oz tv techs going from tv station to their accommodation to in Paris 'serious physical' assaulted in an attack to rob them of their back packs.

Aussie athletes warned not to wear their uniforms outside the Olympic village...and to travel in numbers.

Obviously what was shown in the movie "Taken" is about correct.

Long time since Paris was "the city of love".
« Last Edit: July 23, 2024, 06:00:10 PM by bambu. »
The bad people lurk in the shadows, waiting to pounce...the moment you get security careless.


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Re: News in General
« Reply #9519 on: July 23, 2024, 06:12:51 PM »

Yes, wherever one goes in the world today it's imperative to have absolute security, or else one can meet the bad people and suffer assault, sexual assault, robbery, and / or death.

Trump...shot, no absolute security.
Aussie surfers murdered in Mexico.

. White, 25 yr old Aussie woman alegedly gang raped in Paris by five men of 'African descent' yesterday.
. Ch9 Oz tv crew going to tv station in Paris assaulted in an attack to rob them of their back packs.

Aussie athletes warned not to wear their uniforms outside the Olympic village.

Obviously what was shown in the movie "Taken" is about correct.

Long time since Paris was "the city of love".

Conversely, if we raise better children, and if we have better schools, etc, then we can bull-doze the prisons, and we can build more Universities and Medical Schools, etc.

I was in Paris in 2000, I attended the Cannes Film Festival, a film named "Dancer in the Dark" won the top prize. Cannes was nice, like Marina Del Rey in California, and Nice was cool, they have a movie studio there, the Victorine Studio in Nice. I walked all over Cannes, and I ate at some of the restaurants, and I went to some of the nightclubs, etc, I was in Cannes for 3 days, I spent time on the beach, etc. I ate chicken and drank beer on the famous beach in Cannes where all of the stars go topless, Natalie Portman and all of the stars go topless in Cannes on the beach.

No rapists in Cannes, they have Body Guards everywhere, etc, Cannes is safe. Cannes is safe like Monaco.

I went to Rome in 2003 and I spend 6 weeks in Rome, Rome is amazing, I love Rome, and they have Cinecitta, etc. I would love to own a night club in Rome with live bands and good food. We will see what happens.

And yes, for Trump they should have had better security.

When I saw Ronald Reagan give a speech at Edwards when the first Space Shuttle landed then they had total security, plus it was at Edwards which is very secure to begin with. I stood right in front of Ronald Reagan as he gave a speech, it was great, I loved Reagan, and back then it was like we owned this country, I had a step dad who was the boss of the Space Shuttle Program, and we had Reagan in the White House, and my Brother married Roy Rogers and Dale Evan's Granddaughter, Kristen, and Gene Autry owned the Angels Baseball Team and KTLA Channel 5 in Los Angeles, etc. I used to really have faith in the greatness of America. This was our country back in the 1980s. And there I was right in front of Reagan as he was speaking. Anyhow, they had strict security when Reagan spoke. ( And even then, Reagan was shot on a different occasion, luckily he survived. )

My Grandmother carried a pearl handled .32 semi automatic pistol in her purse, I approve of delicate charming women carrying a pistol in her purse for protection, especially single Moms with no husband, etc.

I hold France in high regard, and I consider myself to be part French, and I hope the Olympics turn out wonderful, and then the Games are coming here to Los Angeles. I wish peace and good times to everyone, with good food, and good French wine, etc. And the Chicken in France is wonderful, be sure to order the chicken when you are in France.

I plan to return to France, and to Italy, and I want to visit Monaco, etc. Next time I want to spend a couple of weeks in Paris, maybe for a Honeymoon with a good woman, we will see.



Tony V.


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Re: News in General
« Reply #9520 on: July 23, 2024, 08:05:59 PM »

As people use goats and sheep to reduce fires by eating the vegetation, then there are some things to consider, such as TICKS, in the areas where they have sheep then they have sheep-ticks. And also, the animals eat the wild-flowers and if the sheep over-graze then you will have to re-seed the landscape if you want to bring back the wild-flowers.

I support using animals to reduce fires, but people need to remember about the ticks, and then re-seeding the wild-flowers, etc.


Tony V.


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Re: News in General
« Reply #9521 on: July 23, 2024, 10:58:50 PM »

France has changed greatly in the last 24 years.
Open borders Europe is partly to blame...too late now for France, multiculturalism there and in Europe/Britain has been a dismal failure ...former British PM Cameron, and Former Chancellor of Germany Merkel said so.
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Re: News in General
« Reply #9522 on: July 24, 2024, 12:09:51 AM »


China to rule Gaza?

Israel has slammed Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas's Fatah party for signing a China-backed agreement with Hamas to rule Gaza together once the war ends, and has vowed to crush the 'murderers and [sexual abusers] of Hamas'.
The bad people lurk in the shadows, waiting to pounce...the moment you get security careless.


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Re: News in General
« Reply #9523 on: July 24, 2024, 12:14:46 AM »

Wonder which side the US is on...Israel?   or China-backed agreement with Hamas?
The bad people lurk in the shadows, waiting to pounce...the moment you get security careless.


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Re: News in General
« Reply #9524 on: July 24, 2024, 03:03:00 PM »

Wonder which side the US is on...Israel?   or China-backed agreement with Hamas?

Apple makes their new top of line Laptops in China, and all of the new phones, etc, all come from China.

And we can work together as a team with China to Cure Cancer, and to go to Mars, etc.

We have our Chinatowns in San Francisco, and in Los Angeles, and in New York City, and now there is a fast-growing new Chinatown in Las Vegas, etc. The Chinese love America, and we have lots of Chinese Restaurants, etc.

Australia can send Beef and Wine to China, and then China will love Australia, and the Chinese also like Broccoli to mix in stir-fry dinners with the chopped beef in their woks, etc. Australia can also make woks to sell to the Chinese.

And Muzi of China attended Harvard, we need for Oprah to interview her on television to make the peace between the USA and China.

Also, the USA is a land of Christians mostly, and Israel is our Holy Land, and Jesus was a Jew from Nazareth who was born in a manger in Bethlehem.

France had the Bourbons and the Capetians, and the family line continues with the King of Spain who is a Bourbon.

And Bambu, Beef and Beer are big money-makers in Anaheim, and restaurants like The Outback Restaurants are successful here.

On the issue of world peace then we need to send our best and brightest to the United Nations in New York.

And the largest company in the Philippines is the San Miguel Corporation, they make beer, and other things, we need to support them by drinking their beer, and it would be nice if they opened a new movie and television studio here in Anaheim, 54% of the modern services economy is streaming content such as movies and television shows. They can also build casinos, etc, and they can open casinos in Asia, etc.



Tony V.
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