Trump is a sick and fucked up guy, with his Trump Tower, and Private Jet, and Mira Lago in Florida, flaunting his wealth, while we have homeless people all over the streets and while the average life expectancy is falling in the US. If fucking Trump wanted to help the poor, then he could do it right now, for $1 Billion he could send everyone in Kentucky to Community College, but Trump uses his wealth to fuck porn stars and to pay hush money. Trump is not the kind of person who we want to run America.
The best world leader right now is Pope Francis, and he made a vow of poverty. Trump could learn a lot from Pope Francis. The most powerful man in the world, Pope Francis, is poor and alone, and I love Pope Francis.
Of note, we need for our companies to be locally owned and to be altruistic, and we need for the companies to spend money helping the homeless in America instead of being foreign companies that send the wealth home to Japan, etc. Instead of helping the people of Japan, then instead we need to help our own people who are homeless on the streets here. If the companies were Christians then they would all donate 10% at least to help the poor.
George W. Bush seems way more humble and better than Trump, Bush was a way better leader than Trump.
We have Musk and the Japanese trying to buy all of our companies, while we have homeless people all over the streets, and while Bill Gates and others send all of the new jobs to Asia. We need real Americans to own our companies who are altruistic and who care about America.
We have foreign companies buying all of our real estate and raising rents in order to increase profits while we have 175,000 homeless on the streets of California. People are using real estate to get rich, and they do not give a fuck about the people, it is just business they say. It sucks. Our families have been in the USA since the beginning, and they expect us to pay high rent to foreign owned corporations, while we have 175,000 people homeless on the streets in California. I should not be paying rent to the fucking Japanese corporations, they want for us to work 90 hours per week to live in poverty while we pay rent to a Japanese corporation, it is all Bullshit. I would rather have an acre of land in Battle Mountain, Nevada, for $1,000 per acre and live in a travel trailer than pay rent to a fucking Japanese corporation. And I like China more than I like Japan, and I love the Philippines.
Rich people from the Philippines have been coming to America and they have been helping the homeless here. One person was Rose, who was a cousin of Gloria Arroyo who was the President of the Philippines, they helped to house and feed and take care of a lot of homeless people here in America. And I invited the San Miguel Corporation from the Philippines to come do Business here in California and to be altruistic and to help the poor, they are a good Christian corporation.
Trump is an asshole, and if I was starving then he would not feed me, he does not care about the poor, he exploits the poor and he turns the women into prostitutes, and he short-changes the workers who work for him, Trump is an asshole.
I do not like Trump.
But, I do like George W. Bush, and we will see if Bush supports Kamala Harris.
Tony V.
Saw an official of LA on my tv speaking about the homeless crisis in LA.
She said that they could spend billions building housing, and nothing would change.
Why not?
I forget the word she used, but she meant migratory homeless arriving in LA from elsewhere.
Simple solution, build a wall around LA, with checkpoints.
Only authorised persons allowed in.
Must show your papers or you can't get in.
Which is not really practical.
She said, basically, that the situation is they're going to clear the streets of encampments, and the homeless will just have to do their best with what the city can provide financially, or move on to somewhere else.
The problem in California with homelessness is GREED, they want to charge people high rent, they want for you to work 90 hours per week and to pay high prices for rent, instead of being like Rome where you can get a bed and a shower for $15 per night at a cheap hostel. We also need to have cheap Sober Living Homes for $450 per month, etc.
And we have people here in Los Angeles who are NOT Christians, they only worship MONEY, and that is what the problem is here. If we all helped the homeless and the poor like Jesus asked us to do in Matthew 25; 31-46, then everything would be cool, and if everyone donated 10% to the church to help the poor, etc.
Rome does not have homeless people all over.
And we need to make people legal so that we can bring them out of the shadows, and so that they can join Labor Unions and we can connect all of the refugees up with jobs working at a Union job.
Of note too, Los Angeles is expensive, while Battle Mountain, Nevada, is cheap, so we can build nice high density housing in Battle Mountain like in Santorini, Greece, complete with swimming pools, and libraries, and tennis courts, etc, and we can send the poor people to Battle Mountain, and they can do trade with San Francisco to create jobs, etc.
It is not hopeless here in California, we just need to learn from Rome, Italy, and have cheap hostels for $15 per night for a bed and a shower, etc, and we need to allow the churches to help, etc. And we need to make our immigrants legal and put them to work with the United Farm Workers and with the Teamsters, etc.
Mayor Bass is doing a good job, and at least people are taking action. And we need to train lots of Psychiatrists, and San Diego State University is the best at training Psychiatrists, etc. We also need to train doctors, and nurses, and pharmacists, etc.
Kiwanis International can also help, and others can help. And the San Miguel Corporation and the people from the Philippines can help, etc, they are good Christians. The French, Italians, Spaniards, and Greeks, can all help too, etc. And we can improve education in Latin America, etc. Los Angeles is a Global City, and people from all around the world can help to save Los Angeles.
Also, we need for our movie studios to be locally owned and operated so that we can be altruistic and help the people here locally in Hollywood.
Education is also vital, etc, and job training, etc. And we could build new Space Shuttles in the desert, etc, and we can build new water dropping aircraft in the desert to fight fires, and we can build new high speed supersonic passenger planes in the desert, etc. We can create a lot of new jobs.
And the Basques can have herds of sheep, cattle, and goats, etc, all over grazing to control fire dangers, and to produce Filet Mignon and Mexican Goat Cheese Tamales, etc.
It was so much better back in the 1980s when Reagan was President. The desert had the Space Shuttle Program which was an over $100 Billion program, and California was rich, Reagan made all of the immigrants legal, and the economy was great.
Now, the jobs have left, and we have homeless people all over the sidewalks. We need to bring the jobs back, and we need to help the homeless, and we need cheap hostels for a bed and shower for $15, and cheap Sober Living Homes, etc. And we need to fund education and job training, etc.
It can get better.
Tony V.