Bambu, the Bible says to help all people, but especially help other Christians first, and the Bible also says that God will make us fishers of men and that the men would serve us.
As we helped the poor in Colombia then they gave us lots of good things in return including coffee and chocolate, which are both wealthy industries.
What do you want? What kind of food is too expensive that you wish was cheaper so that you could afford it? Do you want cheap Lobster? For me, I want cheaper Olives, and the United Farm Workers can grow Olives in Paradise Valley, Nevada, and they can send the Olives to be canned at the cannery in Stayton, Oregon, and from Stayton the Olives can be distributed world-wide. And Paradise Valley, Nevada, is safe, I lived there as a child for a short time, we lived in a travel trailer and we walked to the Post Office to send letters and to receive mail. The refugees just want to be safe, and Paradise Valley is safe, and they can have a church, and their own police force, etc.
The good Christian people from Latin America will bless you greatly if you deliver them from poverty and teach them how to be fruitful. Everyone just wants to be fruitful.
We need to make everyone legal and we need to put everyone to work.
The Mexicans are Christians, and the Bible says to help the Christians, therefore we need to help Mexico, and in return Mexico will bless us as they bear fruit.
My Grandmother helped to open Gold Mines in Mexico and she said Mexico is rich, they are a sleeping giant with great people and with lots of natural resources. We need to help the poor people in Mexico and everyone will be blessed as Mexico bears fruit.
And Trump wants money, so give the greedy people money, give them oil pipelines and whatever they want, Gold Mines, etc, and then meanwhile we can use our vast wealth, and knowledge of ways to create new wealth, to help the poor people in Mexico, etc, and in El Salvador, etc, and in return they will bless everyone as they become fruitful. And Acapulco can be a playground for the rich and famous.
Help the poor Christians, and when they become fruitful then everyone will be blessed.
Of note, the founders of Anaheim wanted a Utopia for all of them, they had a team goal as a community, it was not about wealth for 1 man, it was about a Utopia for the immigrants. Then as Anaheim is now blessed then we can help others. And Anaheim City Hall is only 10 miles away from Chapman film school, etc, and we can have a fruitful Film and Television Office at City Hall. And maybe Edgar Bronfman Jr will open a movie and television studio here, etc, we will see what happens.
Tony V.