We have problems with corruption, and the money does not make it to help the poor that is supposed to, and they try to get the people to fight among themselves by saying that the immigrants are taking the money, or that the Blacks on Welfare are taking the money, etc, it is all bullshit. We need to help our people. Housing, food, medical care, etc, for all people.
25 years ago it was against the law to feed the homeless in Hollywood, and now we have Mayor Bass who knows that we are experiencing a crisis and she is helping the homeless now, and the homeless are being fed, etc. Father Boyle and Homeboy Industries are also helping in Los Angeles, etc.
When I met my friends Lisa and Rose here in Orange County and when I saw them buying big beautiful mansions for the homeless to live in, it was revolutionary, they were good Christians who saw it as their duty to help the poor. And Lisa was born rich from the Banana Industry, and Rose was a cousin of Gloria Arroyo. Then, as they helped people they created a chain reaction and I witnessed a lot of miracles. And the Veterans managed the homeless shelters, etc. The Mental Health Association in Santa Ana helped people, and lots of good people in Orange County helped the poor here. Now Los Angeles is catching up with the OC, and Los Angeles is helping the homeless now.
In New York City the homeless can go live on communes and on farms in Vermont, and Bernie Sanders can help them, and they can send Eggs, Milk, and Cheese, to New York City, etc. And in New Jersey there is Jon Bon Jovi who has the Soul Kitchen restaurant where he feeds the homeless, and now they help with shelter as well. They can have Buses that go from New York City to communes in Vermont, etc, and from New Jersey to communes in Vermont, etc.
And yes Bambu, barriers are good, and armed guards, etc. We have armed guards everywhere here now, the market, city hall, everywhere, and I would assume that the schools are protected. I hope the schools are safe, especially with the threats.
We need to give people 2 Books, one is "On Becoming a Person" by Carl Rogers, and the other is "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren.
And all Christians need to obey Matthew 25; 31-46, and we need to help the homeless and the poor and the abused women, etc.
Tony V.