Tough room...
Anyway, this one isn't fleshed out, but
I have an idea for a college particularly designed for the millennial student with the millennial mindset. Y U, And leave out the Owe (because it's cash up front! And daddy/mommy is filthy rich.)
Y U. Why you? Why does everything bad always happen to you? This is a school dedicated to finding out who you are and then preparing you for that future. YOUR Future, your futures! Because in 10 years, you're going to come back for our advanced degree that re-examines everything and finds who you have become. And prepares you to be accelerated towards that future you have matured to understand. Advanced degrees and advanced technologies will help. Y U, Don't settle for, "Why not You?" Come to the place that is all about that one thing. And what is that one thing? Why, YOU. Of course.
That's a solid business Idea if I ever heard one!
We have perfected the form from Psychology to Psuchology! From understanding, to controlling ourselves and our destinies.
That's YU.
Also, we're very selective, So you are going to have to show us, "Why you?"
YU, You University.
Psuch ology, the study of what makes you Psuch special.
I think they used to call it "Charm School" and then the less charmless (and yet more charmless at the same time) "Finishing" Like she was a piece of wooden furniture. (we prolly won't use that in the brochure)