Needs posted a CNN link. You said, "too bad it's a pay site" in the following post. Hence the confusion.
Here's a quote from the AP news for you:
Fred Warmbier described to Fox News in 2017 Otto’s condition when he returned: making an “involuntary, inhuman sound,” ″staring blankly into space, jerking violently,” and was blind and deaf, with his head shaved.
Doctors in Cincinnati said he had suffered severe brain damage, although they weren’t sure what led to it. North Korea denied mistreating him, saying he fell into a coma that resulted from botulism and a sleeping pill.
Hey, Kid, if you believe that, I have a buildable lot in an alligator swamp I'd like to sell you. No one's contracted malaria this year, so the land value is all set to skyrocket, man!