Sample reasons:
- Need to be able to wipe those turds off the map at a whim.
- That Opera House looks stupid.
- Hugh Jackman. Enough said.
- Settled by criminals, gone downhill from there.
- Full of Nasis and Lederhosen (may be confused with Austria)
- Upside down. All the blood rushed to their heads.
- Couldn't take Gallipolis.
- I hated The Thornbirds.
- Didgeridoo sounds like someone's Didger shit.
Crocodile Dundee
Every third species is poisonous
None of them can kill one fucking rabbit
But babies are no problem for dingos
Very dry air causes excessive exfoliation and scalp itchiness
Kangaroo boxing
Ozone hole
Horrible jet lag
They have to call a pond a Billabong
National epidemic of asymmetric moles
Too many men named Bruce