As we pull our troops out of Afghanistan, and Iraq, etc, it is important for the United Nations to be active helping to educate the children and making sure that they have food, and helping the people in those nations as they work to build new lives. And instead of soldiers they can have UN Peacekeepers, and local police, etc.
We need to remember that for most of these people, they do not know what a peaceful democracy looks like, they have never been to Florida, etc, so we need to show them with television shows, and they can read and study, and there is the internet if they get it there, etc. We need to teach them what women's rights are, etc, etc, etc. We need to teach them how to do an act of Congress to guarantee good human rights to all of the people of their nation, etc, etc, etc. We need to teach them how to peacefully govern themselves. And remember, they have never seen it before, so we need to teach them. And they can study about Greece and Rome and the birth of democracy and the Republic form of government. We need to teach them.
You cannot just go in and kill people and then leave a vacuum. You need to fill the void with education, and the people need to be guided and given responsibility for their own lives.
They also need USAID, and small business loans, etc.
And for instance they can grow cotton in Afghanistan, and they can make stuff from the cotton, etc.
AID and the Afghan Cotton Saga
Why would USAID not get behind an effort to turn Afghan farmers from poppy to cotton?
By Rajiv Chandrasekaran, August 6, 2012
We need to be active as we pull troops out of the battle zones. We need to fill the void with goodness, good things like good human rights, and good women's rights, and education for the children, and we need to help to get the qualified people to do good public service as they learn to self govern, etc.
We need to help them to lay a good foundation to build on.
Tony V.