IF true, Joe, unlike arafura-ilk, hadn't learnt by then that you can't touch a woman, ...anywhere, anyhow, anytime, without permission [not even if you're just being friendly]...and you probably need to get that permission on tape and in writing.
Mike Pence knows the deal...he's very careful to never be alone with a woman who's not his wife.
They weren't alone, fool.
Biden's been doing this sort of thing, in public, for a long time.
I am a little surprised not much was made of it in the '08 election
Or was there? I dont recall.
It takes an extraordinarily bad or good VP candidate to make a difference. Remember how awful Dan Quayle was? Bad enough to be one of the top ten reasons to vote for the Democrat. (The tee shirt said, "10. Jobs, 9. Jobs, 8. Jobs, 7. Jobs, 6. Jobs, 5. Jobs, 4. Jobs, 3. Jobs, 2. Jobs, 1. Dan Quayle.") But Quayle wasn't sufficient to counter-balance Willie Horton, the Tank picture, and Dukakis' answer about the hypothetical rape of Kitty.
In 2008, Palin's ineptness vastly overshadowed anything bad (or good) that Biden brought to the table.