California exports twice as much stuff to Mexico, as it does to China, and China has over a billion people, China needs to start buying our stuff. The current population of China is 1,420,190,362 as of Thursday, July 11, 2019. need fair trade deals.
The trade deficit with China for the USA in 2018 was almost four hundred billion. we have record numbers of homeless people out on the streets, we need jobs for the homeless, you should be given a huge tax break if you hire a homeless person from a shelter.
California lost over 500,000 jobs to China alone. Trump wants to build a wall between us and our best trading partner. Mexico is buying twice as much stuff from California as China.
We also need to create jobs for our new immigrants. We have people coming here from all over the world, and they want jobs. Of course too, many will start their own businesses and will create jobs.
This guy at Yale thinks we should do like Kuwait and allow in immigrants as guest workers but never let them become citizens, he wants to let them know right from the start that they have no hope of citizenship, I disagree with him, and America is not like any other nation on earth, and America is certainly not like Kuwait. need to make it easy for people to become citizens of the USA, and we need to make it easier for people to legally live, work, and go to school in the USA. We also need special programs for our dying cities and our dying farm towns, we need to welcome our immigrants and people need to be given redevelopment money and business loans, etc.
And we need to balance trade, to bring back an abundant economy. We do not need trade wars or anything, we just need people to be fair and to buy our stuff, your people need jobs, and our people need jobs, and we have new people coming everyday who need jobs. We need new trade deals with everyone, including with China. And we have great stuff to send to the world, Americans produce great stuff that we can export.
Tony V.