I saw the presser and his positive was, “Yeah, we did it, so what?”
We did it. It's done all the time - don't put any extra emphasis on this instance.
No, we don't, Kid.
We trade favors for favors that align with US security needs all the time.
We don't trade favors for the advancement of individual or party political objectives. For example, trading prisoners happens. Negotiating to have the prisoners held until after the election so your opponent loses is treason, whether done by a sitting president or a candidate.
Withholding a meeting unless a foreign leader agrees to
announce the investigation you want is criminal, especially if you tell him that just after you have withheld military aid that has been allocated to them.
No, it is not done "all the time," which is why Mulvaney
tried to walk back his words a few hours later (after he had been chewed out).