When this is handed off to Biden, how many of you - and how often - will be saying, "well, this is the hand Joe was dealt"?
Will there be any level critique - or will it all be sent back to the beginning?
CARETAKER presidency indeed. Such brilliance about to be bestowed upon us.
We will say of him the same thing, relatively speaking, that we did of Trump: he inherited the economy and foreign policy situation that was given to him.
If he ignores the pandemic handbook left him by Obama, like Trump did, we will blast him. If he tries to destroy Obamacare without replacement, we will blast him. If he locks up children and separates them from their parents - lying and conniving to keep them from their parents when the courts try to reunite them - we will blast him.
WE will be critical of more than just the pettiness, should there be cause.
It is YOU who is deceitful, who refuses to examine policies honestly.
And you who assumes we will behave the way you did, denying any substantial fault of a president of our party.