Coronavirus USA.
I saw on my tv Americans protesting against lockdowns, one placard reading "Better to live in risky freedom, than to live in communist lockdown"...which seemed to be the theme of the protests in more than one place.
Huge numbers of population in America made/make social distancing near impossible.
Covid-19 ultra contagious.
Trump maybe could be blamed for some of it, but so could WHO and China, who seemed to know about it months before the rest of the world did.
The only way to beat the virus is to make it homeless.
Not so many population in NZ and Australia, social distancing much easier.
Australia's international borders were closed [should've been done sooner], people flying in locked up in hotels for 14 days.
State borders closed.
Pubs, clubs, stores 'all' closed [no customers anyway, everyone isolating at home], except supermarkets.
'Everyone' working from home, including valuable radio and tv hosts...others social distancing.
Not allowed to leave one's home without a 'valid reason' travel allowed except to/from work.
'All' the schools closed...only kids of emergency workers and people who absolutely could not stay home could attend.
Learning done online, live classes with usual teacher.
Eventually virus was made homeless, no new cases each day achieved, things now slowly being opened up, and the positive case numbers increasing...a few every day, acceptable level trade off for the 'economy'.
What can be done in America, I don't know.
American people don't seem to want to rush inside their homes, lock the door, and put a big sign on their door "GO AWAY!"
American people have to get to work, on crowded public transport...9 people on a bus and 11 in a train carriage simply won't work.
2 in an elevator in skyscrapers, wait 3 hours to get from building entry to office.