"overt negation of the holocaust be comparing it to an air-born virus"
It wasn't the comparison he made and it wasn't what Trump and his team did
Josh I specifically asked knicks about his wordings and intent and was very specific about the nature of "final solution" so as we were clear as to its broadly understood meaning.
Knicks said his words were deliberate and he was not backing down (which he did later) from his comparison to Hitler's genocide and people catching the covid.
My conclusion from my discussion with knicks was knickes engaged in an
"overt negation of the holocaust be comparing it to an air-born virus"
As for Trumps incompetence and steps he did and did not take (and living in the NYC area he did direct aid to the metro area, albeit late and seemingly begrudgingly)
he seemed less than concerned about the health and well-being of the population of large Dem-run cities.
and seemd to take a sadistic enjoyment in pointing out it was the D-cities that were suffering.
But at the root of his sociopathis behavior was his desire for political gain in an election year and how could he profit from covid.
I don't beleive in Hell, but I hope there is a special place in Hell for Trump to suffer for eternity.