No one on the Left has proposed eliminating concrete as a building material. Or sheetrock (also a high-carbon production at the moment). They will always have some carbon footprint, as does almost anything....concrete involves dredging and transport of huge amounts of sand, with large diesel engines. Sheetrock involves gypsum mining. It's not necessarily a Left/Right issue. Everyone can see the merit in (1) alternative low-carbon production methods, especially in the "bake," and (2) exploring alternative materials that offer comparable structural quality (a state I used to live in reduced its highway concrete by using a composite made partly from recycled rubber tires, and found those roads actually last longer). Further down the road (ha!), a society that nurtures innovation will have the diesel machines that harvest sand and gypsum replaced with machines run on fuel cells or algae-generated biofuel or something we haven't thought of.* Without the government offering incentives to Redward's factory, making these changes will be a lot harder.
* and won't think of, if we don't hone our young minds with excellent and affordable public education.