Of course, nobody cares that a number of Trump officials have used private email to conduct official business, including Kushner using Whatsapp (to communicate with the Saudi leader among other things).
I think a lot of people care. I do. And have posted about this double standard here often. Its our media that sees it as a non story, after making it the ONLY story in the last national election.
The news media in 2016 was totally unprepared to deal with a hoax candidate at Trump's level of corruption and bad faith going up against a serious if conventional politician. Reporting the obvious asymmetry would make them appear biased, they thought, so they jumped on the "emails" as a way to balance the coverage. And failed miserably.
Which is why post-election "Emails!" have disappeared completely as an issue by which to judge public servants. Add to Kushner the fact that Trump uses unsecured cell phones, and the Ukraine scandal has revealed that multiple State Dept. officials also use personal emails and messaging for official business.
And the fact that Clinton was found after a three year review to have done nothing wrong? The news doesn't even cause a ripple.