That great nuclear power we should embrace:
Japan Gov't Proposes Fukushima Water Release To Sea Or AirJust a mere million tons of radioactive water need to be dealt with. Seems they're running out of containment space, the massive numbers of nuke water containers are getting in the way of cleaning up the radioactive debris, and otherwise the all the water tanks are vulnerable to earthquakes or tsunamis.
So might as well just dump all the radioactivity into the
toilet ocean. It's 9 years after the triple-meltdown and one reactor explosion. And it'll take decades to dump the current million tons of radioactive water into the ocean, plus the radioactive water that'll be created during those next decades.
But nukes are safe. Nothing to worry about.
Wonder if we'll have more accidents as more nuke facilities age, and as aging facilities find themselves in failed countries. Or terror attacks or war will blow up a nuke plant. Or just good old fashioned earthquakes and natural disasters.
And of course there's no safe method of disposing of spent nuclear fuel, no one wants it stored near them. Not to mention the need for digging up, refining and transporting highly radioactive material. But somehow it's better than solar or wind energy.
Btw, likely the Japanese will wait til after the Olympic games to flood their coast with radioactive dumping.