I think folks are mistaken when they think "being Presidential" is a big tide turner. People vote their reality. If a BETTER GUY is representing us internationally, so what? Doesn't get results.
Being “Presidential” matters if you want the office to have credibility and the trust of Americans and our allies.
If you don’t think credibility and trust is important in a President, particularly in a global scale emergency, well…I’m sure there is an episode or two of West Wing that can set you straight on that.
And I'd ask you again what "results" you think we are getting from having an unpresidential idiot with no credibility in the office, but yeah, you aren't here to debate.
Trump's big address to the nation was a dud. Looked robotic and out of his element, and hardly inspired confidence.
More importantly, he misspoke (while reading off a teleprompter somehow) and made it seem as though the blockade against travel from Europe was also going to apply to goods, which would be an economic killer. Confusion abounds, the Dow is down over 1500 points, and its more clear than ever that our nation is rudderless in this global emergency.
Worse than having no rudder, Trump is actively steering us over the waterfall.
But Red got his tax cuts so...Trump's been great for the economy!