Mr Rogers said that when something horrible is happening, look for the helpers, and that will make you feel better.
With this emergency we have people who are hoarding, and people who are greedy, and we have people who are getting sick, and we have the fear of being locked down with no food, the whole situation sucks, but then we have the helpers.
The helpers are volunteering at the food banks, and at the schools passing out free lunches to the students, and the helpers are keeping the pharmacies open, the helpers are the stores that are opening an hour early to let the senior citizens shop, the helpers are the truckers who are keeping the food coming, the helpers are the cops who are still on patrol to serve and protect, all of the people who are helping other people during this crisis have my respect. And as we look at all of the people out there helping others, it gives us hope for humanity.
Keep an eye on the helpers.
Tony V.