The violence and destruction sucks. But its temporary. Graffiti can be cleaned off. The police have plenty of cars. The destruction of communities can be more long lasting (see Newark) but what is happening now does not strike me as destructive to the fabric of these communities in the same way. As far as I know, unlike Charlottesville, no one has died yet.
What it comes down to for me is what these people are fighting for. BLM wants the police to stop killing Black people in the streets, and accountability and justice when they do. Antifa-Far Left is similarly fighting against an establishment that privileges the few while holding down the many.
White supremacists want to coopt the protests in order to make BLM look bad, discredit their legitimate grievances by putting the focus on the violence, so that the White National Order is maintained.
The police (some, not all) want to be able to bust heads without accountability, and take their cues from a "president" who calls the press the "enemy of the people."
You want to denounce the violence and destruction? OK. But your focus on that over the message of the protests is an admission that you are on the wrong side in this fight.