Did you read the first link?
I read the words in the link line. Enough to get the point.
Which followed:
Did you read the first link?
I read the words in the link line, that was enough to get the message.
Someone has to expose what the Left/Far Left are doing.
Fox News makes you informed of what they're selling.
Everyone is selling something.
The Left/Far left in my land are telling kids, including young kids, that if they don't like being a boy today they can be a girl tomorrow. "Gender fluid".
Yes, in the "peoples republic of …….." state I could wake up tomorrow and become a woman, no operations, nothing, just identify as a woman, pay $100 tor the paperwork and I would have all the rights and liberties of a woman.
They're running around now trying to work out what they're gonna do about public bathrooms.
How does
any of that blather respond to the simple fact that Fox News leaves people less informed than if they had watched nothing?
You keep talking about "The Left," while ignoring that one side, YES, ONE SIDE, is actively misinforming its viewers.
"Someone has to expose what the Left/Far Left are doing."
Maybe, though your view of that remains full of bigotry.
But while "someone has to expose" it, Fox is not exposing a damned thing. They are inventing lies.
Why is that all right with you?