While the House Dems could impeach him on a new charge of high crimes and missed directions, would it do any good? Actually i think it might be counterproductive and just another failed attempt to rouse Repubican courage.
120,000 dead Americans and a "president" who clearly doesn't give a shit. Massive civil unrest over extrajudicial killings of black people and a "president" who only wants to make it worse. An intelligence community and DOJ
actively looking at ways to investigate the "president's" political opponents so that he might win reelection...we could of course go on. But all of these things are reason for Trump to step down, and the mechanisms are there to force him to do so.
Imagine if McConnell was more interested in our country remaining Democratic than he was ramming through unqualified politicos into life-long judge positions. He would, theoretically, be open to hearing from prominent Republicans who know what they are talking about if they say "Hey, we can't wait until the election to find out exactly how authoritarian Trump will go."
Does a Powell only not call for his resignation because he knows McConnell is not that person? Maybe. But if you see the guy is a threat to our Democracy but are willing to see how much more damage he can do over the next six months? Thats weak.