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What do you expect on Wednesday?

Reports of protests are overblown. A few incidents around the country, but nothing major.
- 5 (45.5%)
A few major incidents in capitals, but nothing much in DC.
- 5 (45.5%)
A major incident in DC, but nothing much around the country.
- 0 (0%)
More than 10 capitals have major upheavals, but nothing much in DC.
- 0 (0%)
A major incident in DC plus more than 10 capitals with significant upheavals.
- 1 (9.1%)
More than half the capitals around the country have problems with protesters, but DC is quiet.
- 0 (0%)
DC has major problems, while more than half the capitals around the country also have considerable trouble with protesters.
- 0 (0%)
Huge disruption to the day.
- 0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 9

Voting closed: January 19, 2021, 10:49:21 PM

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Author Topic: Trump Administration  (Read 2008508 times)


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Re: Trump Administration
« Reply #40245 on: June 27, 2020, 04:51:18 PM »

Scratch Woodrow Wilson’s name from the Business College at Princeton.
Racist, ya know!
Seems like every day now we learn a founder or stalwart of the democrat party is now regarded as some sort of foul fellow.
Let’s see who is left?
FDR jailed  Japanese Americans and Harry Truman regularly used the N and K words in referring to blacks and Jews.
Where will it all end?

Woodrow Wilson resegregated The US civil service, hosted a screening of Birth of A Nation in the Whitehouse and quoted it extensively in terms of society.

Harry Truman integrated the US military after the blinding of Isaac Woodard (look it up)
so as usual you’re pulling disconnected right wing talking points out your ass again.
Do they still send out a morning email with the day’s talking points?
If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.

Lyndon Johnson


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Re: Trump Administration
« Reply #40246 on: June 27, 2020, 04:56:10 PM »

The GOP outrage manufacturing industry threw sand in the gears of the Obama Administration assisted by the mainstream media.

But Obama fell in line for awhile.  There were two years when suddenly the deficit was the most important thing, and Obama started talking about the gov't budget is like a family's budget, etc.

The GOP wouldn't pull all this hardcore ish if they ever paid a price for being a disloyal opposition.  Or for stealing a Supreme Court seat.
Good Gov't Saves Lives
 --- Bad Gov't Kills ---

Hamilton Samuels

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Re: Trump Administration
« Reply #40247 on: June 27, 2020, 04:58:43 PM »

Scratch Woodrow Wilson’s name from the Business College at Princeton.
Racist, ya know!
Seems like every day now we learn a founder or stalwart of the democrat party is now regarded as some sort of foul fellow.
Let’s see who is left?
FDR jailed  Japanese Americans and Harry Truman regularly used the N and K words in referring to blacks and Jews.
Where will it all end?

President Nixon

White House Operator
Governor [Ronald W.] Reagan, Mr. President.

President Nixon

White House Operator
There you are.

President Nixon

Ronald W. Reagan
Mr. President?

President Nixon
Hope I didn’t get you out of bed.

No, I’m [laughs]—

President Nixon
It’s eight—

I’m up, although I’m still trying to sleep on Oriental time, and it’s not working very well.

President Nixon
—8:15, yeah. I—you know, you called last night, and I’d gone to bed and [laughs] so I said I [Reagan acknowledges] . . . that’s all right.

We took a chance, and we—

President Nixon
No, no, that’s all right. I’m usually up till around then, but I . . . I must have gone off. Well, that was a bad vote, wasn’t it?

Well, I want to tell you, we—

President Nixon
We worked our tails off, I must say. I think—

I know. I was just sick.

President Nixon
Fifty-four to 59. I’m telling you, I just finished a meeting with [Spiro T.] Ted Agnew. He’s back from [unclear] and from Greece and Turkey, and both of whom we got, incidentally. We didn’t get Iran, though, damn it. You know, you figure there’s the Shah, we’ve done all the things for him, but . . .


President Nixon
And these African countries, they’re the ones that, I must say, were disappointing.

Well, Mr. President, the reason I called was . . . I know it is not easy to give a suggestion or advice to the president of the United States, but I just feel that . . . I feel so strongly that we can’t . . . and with—in view of ’72, we can’t just sit and take this and continue as if nothing had happened. And I had a suggestion [President Nixon acknowledges] for an action, that I’d like to be so presumptuous as to suggest. My every instinct says, get the hell out of that [President Nixon laughs and acknowledges] kangaroo court and let it sink. But I know that’s very—that would be extremely difficult and not the thing to do. But it has occurred to me that the United States—I just—the people I just know are—first of all, they don’t like the U.N. to begin with.

President Nixon
That’s right.

And it seemed to me that if you brought Mr. [George H. W.] Bush back to Washington to let them sweat for about 24 hours as to what you were thinking of, and then if you went on television to the people of the United States and said that Mr. Bush was going back to the U.N. to participate in debate and discussions, to present our views, and so forth, but he would not participate in any votes. That the United States would not vote, and would not be bound by the votes of the U.N., because it is a debating society—you don’t have to say that, but it is [President Nixon acknowledges] a debating society—and so we’d be there, our presence would be there, but we would just not participate in their votes. I think it would put those bums in the perspective they belong.

President Nixon
[laughing] It sure would. Yeah.

I think it would make a hell of a campaign issue.

President Nixon

Because I am positive that the people of the United States are thoroughly disgusted, and I think that this would put any candidate from the other side—the constant question would come to him in any such campaign [President Nixon acknowledges], “What would you do now?” And if he was stupid enough to open his mouth and say, “Oh, hell, you know, we’d go right back to operating as usual,” I think he’d be hung out to dry.

President Nixon
Hmm. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Well, we’ve been trying to think here about what reaction would be. The . . . I must say that the congressional action may be very interesting on the appropriations side.

Well, you see, Mr. President, then if they did what they threatened to do, they would simply be confirming your action. [President Nixon acknowledges throughout.] They’d be making the budget meet that new position of the United States in the U.N. reducing our importance. The other way, if we do nothing and they take that action, it’s a rebuff.

President Nixon
Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. . . . Yeah. . . . Well, let me give some thought to the whole thing. I’m—it’s a tough one as you’re well aware, it’s a—we got some fish to fry on India–Pakistan; we’re trying to avoid a war there, and the U.N. may have to play some damn role there. The—[laughs] because we don’t want to get involved—


President Nixon
—let me say, in that miserable place. It’s a . . . but . . . we will—let me give some thought to this whole thing. As you know, I have been thinking about it, and I’ve talked this morning with two or three people about it, . . . what the legal problems are, and so forth.

Well, I just [President Nixon acknowledges] felt I had to make this suggestion.

President Nixon
I know, I know, I appreciate it.

[Unclear] last night and the night after that announcement came on, one commentator called me.

President Nixon

He told me that the—and I told him, I said, “Well, I just think it confirms the moral bankruptcy of the organization, [President Nixon laughs] the U.N.” [President Nixon acknowledges throughout.] And he told me the phone was ringing off the wall. And he said, with people that are just enraged. Now, here’s the last of the Big Four. Here’s a . . . the old boy, we had a wonderful audience with him while we were there.

President Nixon
Yeah, yeah.

[Unclear] an hour.

President Nixon
What a remarkable man.

Yes, and—

President Nixon
You must have really enjoyed—he’s such an amazing man.

Yes, he is.

President Nixon
He’s darn near—how old is he now? Eighty . . . ?

He’s in his eighties.

President Nixon
I know, but you’d never know it.

No, no, sharp as a tack. [President Nixon acknowledges.] And he—and with the Madame translating.

President Nixon
You’re—as you are quite aware, of course, this has nothing to do—this action does not affect at all our Defense Treaty and all that.

No, I—

President Nixon
I mean, we’re—and he knows that. He also knows what we did. As a matter of fact, I made telephone calls to the [laughs]—to four capitals on this thing myself.


President Nixon
Got two of them, and two to abstain. I should—they should have gotten the other two, but that’s about all.

Well, I was putting in [President Nixon acknowledges] pitches along the way. And last night, I tell you, to watch that thing on television as I did—

President Nixon

—to see those . . . those monkeys from those African countries [President Nixon laughs]—damn them, they’re still uncomfortable wearing shoes.

President Nixon
[Laughs loudly.] Well, and then they—the tail wags the dog there, doesn’t it?


President Nixon
The tail wags the dog. [Reagan acknowledges.] Yeah.

I . . . I—please give some thought to this. I think [President Nixon acknowledges throughout] it would be very dramatic, and I think if the United States just continues business as usual in the U.N. with this, I think . . . I just think our people are going to be terribly disappointed, and I think here’s a chance for Uncle Sam to just slap their wrists. We’re there, we can express our views in debate, but it’s just not important enough for us to vote on any issues. It’s bound to—[unclear] naturally, if we do that, we’re not bound by the votes.

President Nixon
Yeah, I get it. Mm-hmm.

Well, I just—

President Nixon
Well, I—

—I couldn’t sleep all [President Nixon acknowledges] last night. I had to—

President Nixon
Yeah, well, I’m telling you, I had a [laughs]—it was a hard night here. A hard night here. We were on the phone right up to the last minute.


President Nixon
Yeah. Well, let me . . . let me give some thought to the thing, and I’ll keep you posted on the—on what our strategy is. You know, we can do some things that are quite effective in many areas here. Incidentally, we’re cert—we’re going to remember every—all of our friends that stood with us on this. Incidentally, among them—among whom were the Japanese.


President Nixon
They were great.

Oh, I know.

President Nixon
The Japanese were great, the—

They were great when I was there.

President Nixon

I was asked a question in Japan [President Nixon acknowledges throughout] by the press, and I—“What if this went wrong?” And I said, “Well”—that was where I first used the expression, I said, “I would consider it an act of immoral political expediency by the United Nations.”

President Nixon
Yeah. Moral bankruptcy’s a good term. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And a hell of a precedent, you know, if you can throw out a nation by simple majority, next they might throw out Portugal or South Africa.


President Nixon
Hmm. [Slight chuckle.] Or Ghana, who knows?

That’s why I think they need a jolt.

President Nixon
Well, let me get at it and—when are you—when did you get back?

We got back Saturday morning.

President Nixon
Saturday morning. But you had a good trip?

Oh, yes.

President Nixon
Yeah, I got reports on it and—

Very good, and I’m—

President Nixon
And it’s—

—look forward to telling you. It was a—

President Nixon
—an exciting part of the world. Yeah.


President Nixon
Yeah. Vietnam and everything.


President Nixon
And it’s going well there, isn’t it?

It seemed to be, yes.

President Nixon
Yeah. The casualties this week were six, so there—we got it [slight chuckle] wound down.

Yeah. Well . . . well, I shall leave you to your troubles. I know the press is going to be waiting for me. I’m going to . . . I know I’ll have to answer, and I’m going to continue along the same tone that [President Nixon acknowledges] as far as I’m concerned, the . . .

President Nixon
Well, you might indicate that the—for example, that you feel that this greatly weakens the support for the United Nations in the United States. That the . . . that it’ll have repercussions in the Congress and, you know, that sort of thing is—will reverberate around.

Yeah. As a matter of fact, I, before I left—I don’t know what the hell is United Nations Week or when it is. I signed that proclamation—

President Nixon
Did you?

—for U.N. Week and I’m going to go over and if it still isn’t over, if it—if we haven’t had it yet—

President Nixon
Revoke it?

—I’m going to withdraw the proclamation.

President Nixon
[laughing heartily] OK. Yeah. I bet you—I don’t know whether—I probably signed it, too, but I didn’t go to anything, I can assure you.

Oh, I didn’t [slight chuckle], either.

President Nixon
Well, there are all sorts of dinners, you know.

Yeah. Oh, out here [Earl] Warren made a speech at one the other night.

President Nixon
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

It was a load of crap. [President Nixon acknowledges throughout.] The old man—I wish to hell he [unclear]—

President Nixon
Oh, incidentally, I want—I think you should know, on another subject, that we’ve got two terrific nominees for the Supreme Court. They’re tough, strong, conservative, and they are just squealing like hell. This—well, you know, we, as you know, we ran Mildred [L.] Lillie by you and [chuckles] we have in mind [William French] Smith for another one. But these two, you can bank on. Our liberal friends—[Lewis F.] Powell [Jr.] of Virginia is just a great fellow and [William H.] Rehnquist is probably the—is probably as strong a young guy—well, he’s not too damn young, he’s 47—but probably he’ll be the strongest man on the Court.

Oh, good. My heart was, of course, set on Smith. I [President Nixon acknowledges]—out here. He’s a hell of a guy.

President Nixon
Well, let me say, he’s at the right age and he is right up there on consideration. Our problem was that we had to take one southerner. It was Powell. And I couldn’t take two corporation lawyers.


President Nixon
You see the problem?


President Nixon
He’s a corporation lawyer and the other is. But Smith, you know, has got a terrific record: chairman of the [California] Board of Regents, and so forth. And as [John N.] Mitchell will tell you, he was right in it and one of those other guys . . . what the heck? They can’t live forever.

[laughing] No.

President Nixon
[laughing] Who knows?

[laughing] No.

President Nixon
Let’s hope the good guys live longer.


President Nixon
Well, give my best to Nancy [D. Reagan], and I’ll be back in touch with you about this.

All right.

President Nixon


President Nixon

The artist's job is not to succumb to despair but to find an antidote for the emptiness of existence.


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Re: Trump Administratio
« Reply #40248 on: June 27, 2020, 05:02:37 PM »

The Dems need to make the case for the need for a Dem Senate.  They need to go for a full tidal wave landslide.

This is where the Dems could use Soros/Bloomberg PAC money and make very targeted consisent and coherent attacks against the complicity and cowardice of Senate Repubs in empowering and refusing to question an inept authoritarian dangerous nut-job like Trump. 

The Blue Tsunami may hit the US shore hard this year but when waters retreat in the out years and the damage done by the Trump-Repubs become glaringly obvious, its going to up to the Dems to clean up the Repub mess, so they're the ones who will get dirty.

But Repubs will then blame Dems for a slow clean up effort. And that they have the answers to right the ship, hello 2022 off-year elections!

So Dems basically have to run-up the score in 2020, and neuter as many Repubs as possible, gain the WH, House and Senate, clean up the disaster, feeding the hungry, heal the sick, and put together a sane package (maybe infrastructure-jobs, expanded heathcare, continued government support for an ongoing economic recovery, rebuilding US stature with traditional allies,) that doesn't scare mod and indy voters in 2022. Stay the fuck away from medicare for all and soaking the rich and corps in taxes, hold-off  on controversial, divisive stuff, as Dems will need time and consensus to rebuild America, and there will be pain and costs to be borne and likely by those that have disproportionately and unfairly benefitted over the past 40 or so years.

This generation out in the streets aren’t nearly as stupid or racist as previous ones, boomers to be precise.

We have the consensus to fix the nation except from folks who the situation as status quo.

This is the precise time to GO BIG!

Read the room.

If you DON"T want to piss away the chance for long-term meaningful societal reforms, you play it smart, not big.

The room you're reading is in NYC and Washington and SF   

But there are rooms all over the country who are sick of Trump, afraid of Trump, but don't quite trust Dems and BIG govt.

Don't give them a reason to backslide, don't scare them with HUGE medicare plans that will be demonized as taking away their choices, and don't scare them with HUGE tax increases to pay for the HUGE defecits run-up by Trump's avarice.

Play it too big, and you risk losing Congress in 2022 and then the WH in 2024.

Be smart and build an FDR-type coalition of Dems and moderates and Indies multi-race, muli-religion that can achieve long-term societal goals for decades

And which might start to fulfill the promise of the American Dream for all.

But you can't scare the shit out of them coming out of the gate.


Fuck the scared people and I’m not reading what you think.

I’m looking at the South because that’s where this election will be won.

Going moderate fixes things just enough and takes long enough for memories to fade but not this time, the damage is too big,

Don’t forget President Blackenstein ain’t on the ballot and good luck running a fear of the radical leftist mob with Uncle Joe Biden at the top of the ticket.

Turn the page.

Have you noticed who is winning the Democratic Primaries?

If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.

Lyndon Johnson

Hamilton Samuels

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Re: Trump Administratio
« Reply #40249 on: June 27, 2020, 05:02:43 PM »

The Dems need to make the case for the need for a Dem Senate.  They need to go for a full tidal wave landslide.

This is where the Dems could use Soros/Bloomberg PAC money and make very targeted consisent and coherent attacks against the complicity and cowardice of Senate Repubs in empowering and refusing to question an inept authoritarian dangerous nut-job like Trump. 

The Blue Tsunami may hit the US shore hard this year but when waters retreat in the out years and the damage done by the Trump-Repubs become glaringly obvious, its going to up to the Dems to clean up the Repub mess, so they're the ones who will get dirty.

But Repubs will then blame Dems for a slow clean up effort. And that they have the answers to right the ship, hello 2022 off-year elections!

So Dems basically have to run-up the score in 2020, and neuter as many Repubs as possible, gain the WH, House and Senate, clean up the disaster, feeding the hungry, heal the sick, and put together a sane package (maybe infrastructure-jobs, expanded heathcare, continued government support for an ongoing economic recovery, rebuilding US stature with traditional allies,) that doesn't scare mod and indy voters in 2022. Stay the fuck away from medicare for all and soaking the rich and corps in taxes, hold-off  on controversial, divisive stuff, as Dems will need time and consensus to rebuild America, and there will be pain and costs to be borne and likely by those that have disproportionately and unfairly benefitted over the past 40 or so years.

This generation out in the streets aren’t nearly as stupid or racist as previous ones, boomers to be precise.

We have the consensus to fix the nation except from folks who the situation as status quo.

This is the precise time to GO BIG!

Read the room.

If you DON"T want to piss away the chance for long-term meaningful societal reforms, you play it smart, not big.

The room you're reading is in NYC and Washington and SF   

But there are rooms all over the country who are sick of Trump, afraid of Trump, but don't quite trust Dems and BIG govt.

Don't give them a reason to backslide, don't scare them with HUGE medicare plans that will be demonized as taking away their choices, and don't scare them with HUGE tax increases to pay for the HUGE defecits run-up by Trump's avarice.

Play it too big, and you risk losing Congress in 2022 and then the WH in 2024.

Be smart and build an FDR-type coalition of Dems and moderates and Indies multi-race, muli-religion that can achieve long-term societal goals for decades

And which might start to fulfill the promise of the American Dream for all.

But you can't scare the shit out of them coming out of the gate.


Pragmatic approach. Get elected, first. Then, "go big".
The artist's job is not to succumb to despair but to find an antidote for the emptiness of existence.


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Re: Trump Administration
« Reply #40250 on: June 27, 2020, 05:14:05 PM »

From a NYTimes article:  Putin pays bounties to Afghan soldiers who kill US soldiers.

Raising the question of what the Trump Family's cut was in this deal.

Simple solution.

All troops home now.
Give Russia nothing, not even the time of day.
Carpet bomb the Taliban or whoever.
The bad people lurk in the shadows, waiting to pounce...the moment you get security careless.


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Re: Trump Administratio
« Reply #40251 on: June 27, 2020, 05:18:24 PM »

The Dems need to make the case for the need for a Dem Senate.  They need to go for a full tidal wave landslide.

This is where the Dems could use Soros/Bloomberg PAC money and make very targeted consisent and coherent attacks against the complicity and cowardice of Senate Repubs in empowering and refusing to question an inept authoritarian dangerous nut-job like Trump.....

This generation out in the streets aren’t nearly as stupid or racist as previous ones, boomers to be precise.

We have the consensus to fix the nation except from folks who the situation as status quo.

This is the precise time to GO BIG!

Read the room.

If you DON"T want to piss away the chance for long-term meaningful societal reforms, you play it smart, not big.

The room you're reading is in NYC and Washington and SF   

But there are rooms all over the country who are sick of Trump, afraid of Trump, but don't quite trust Dems and BIG govt.

Don't give them a reason to backslide, don't scare them with HUGE medicare plans that will be demonized as taking away their choices, and don't scare them....

I see both your points.   Where I'm sitting, in a state with a fair number of Independent voters who shit their drawers at any sign of major social changes,  Banks's reading makes some sense.   These folks would vote for a centrist Republican or Democrat,  if they saw someone who seemed sane and housebroken -- and they are forty percent of the electorate.   2020, for them,  is the year to run a Not Trump,  not the year to run a great reformer.   You'd think that with things in shambles,  and a swell of left-lean young voters,  that it would be possible to Go Big,  but that's unfortunately not the psychological profile of the heartlanders who have disproportionate electoral vote powers:  when things are in shambles,  they seek caution and comfort food.   


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Re: Trump Administratio
« Reply #40252 on: June 27, 2020, 05:22:03 PM »

The Dems need to make the case for the need for a Dem Senate.  They need to go for a full tidal wave landslide.

This is where the Dems could use Soros/Bloomberg PAC money and make very targeted consisent and coherent attacks against the complicity and cowardice of Senate Repubs in empowering and refusing to question an inept authoritarian dangerous nut-job like Trump. 

The Blue Tsunami may hit the US shore hard this year but when waters retreat in the out years and the damage done by the Trump-Repubs become glaringly obvious, its going to up to the Dems to clean up the Repub mess, so they're the ones who will get dirty.

But Repubs will then blame Dems for a slow clean up effort. And that they have the answers to right the ship, hello 2022 off-year elections!

So Dems basically have to run-up the score in 2020, and neuter as many Repubs as possible, gain the WH, House and Senate, clean up the disaster, feeding the hungry, heal the sick, and put together a sane package (maybe infrastructure-jobs, expanded heathcare, continued government support for an ongoing economic recovery, rebuilding US stature with traditional allies,) that doesn't scare mod and indy voters in 2022. Stay the fuck away from medicare for all and soaking the rich and corps in taxes, hold-off  on controversial, divisive stuff, as Dems will need time and consensus to rebuild America, and there will be pain and costs to be borne and likely by those that have disproportionately and unfairly benefitted over the past 40 or so years.

This generation out in the streets aren’t nearly as stupid or racist as previous ones, boomers to be precise.

We have the consensus to fix the nation except from folks who the situation as status quo.

This is the precise time to GO BIG!

Read the room.

If you DON"T want to piss away the chance for long-term meaningful societal reforms, you play it smart, not big.

The room you're reading is in NYC and Washington and SF   

But there are rooms all over the country who are sick of Trump, afraid of Trump, but don't quite trust Dems and BIG govt.

Don't give them a reason to backslide, don't scare them with HUGE medicare plans that will be demonized as taking away their choices, and don't scare them with HUGE tax increases to pay for the HUGE defecits run-up by Trump's avarice.

Play it too big, and you risk losing Congress in 2022 and then the WH in 2024.

Be smart and build an FDR-type coalition of Dems and moderates and Indies multi-race, muli-religion that can achieve long-term societal goals for decades

And which might start to fulfill the promise of the American Dream for all.

But you can't scare the shit out of them coming out of the gate.


Fuck the scared people and I’m not reading what you think.

I’m looking at the South because that’s where this election will be won.

Going moderate fixes things just enough and takes long enough for memories to fade but not this time, the damage is too big,

Don’t forget President Blackenstein ain’t on the ballot and good luck running a fear of the radical leftist mob with Uncle Joe Biden at the top of the ticket.

Turn the page.

Have you noticed who is winning the Democratic Primaries?

Knicks a big chunk of this country are white/moderate center-right leaning who are out of work and finally seeing the danger of an inept Trump

They didn't get pissed over Russia or Ukraine, they got pissed because they got sick and then lost their jobs.

And then since they were out of work and watching TV they saw George Floyd get murdered.

And since they were already angry they got more pissed as injustice was piled on injustice

If you're smart there's a good chance of grabbing a big chunk of those voters for a long time, as you peel away the injustices

and make them feel more secure

I'd like to think racism disappeared overnight with the mass epiphany of the horror of Floyd murder, but call me skeptical.
Its been going away for a long time, but in some regards Floyd's death (forgive me) was a watershed moment.

Don't piss the opportunity away.


Be smart.

and before lioning the social justice warriors on the streets, let me see them show up and vote, ok?

get elected first,
repair the damage done by Trump
domestic and foreign
get people health insurance and health care
start rebuilding infrastructure
which will lead to jobs
and food on the table

and people spending money and feeling like there's a future for their kids

rebuild our foreign alliances

and then maybe you got a shit ton of new dedicated loyal voters to help re-shape a better America.

So repair first and then think about how to remodel.

or you could scare the shit out of them in 2020-22 and piss away the best chance in a long time to captialize on the greed and corruption of the Repubs.

and end up back in the fucking leaking house and the fucking Repubs are on the roof taking a piss.

« Last Edit: June 27, 2020, 05:28:26 PM by bankshot1 »


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Re: Trump Administration
« Reply #40253 on: June 27, 2020, 05:26:03 PM »

White people in America who are living in their cars, are homeless, are begging for food, living on food handouts in poor states, any states, might be wondering where their 'White privilege' is.
The bad people lurk in the shadows, waiting to pounce...the moment you get security careless.


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Re: Trump Administratio
« Reply #40254 on: June 27, 2020, 05:26:36 PM »

The Dems need to make the case for the need for a Dem Senate.  They need to go for a full tidal wave landslide.

This is where the Dems could use Soros/Bloomberg PAC money and make very targeted consisent and coherent attacks against the complicity and cowardice of Senate Repubs in empowering and refusing to question an inept authoritarian dangerous nut-job like Trump. 

The Blue Tsunami may hit the US shore hard this year but when waters retreat in the out years and the damage done by the Trump-Repubs become glaringly obvious, its going to up to the Dems to clean up the Repub mess, so they're the ones who will get dirty.

But Repubs will then blame Dems for a slow clean up effort. And that they have the answers to right the ship, hello 2022 off-year elections!

So Dems basically have to run-up the score in 2020, and neuter as many Repubs as possible, gain the WH, House and Senate, clean up the disaster, feeding the hungry, heal the sick, and put together a sane package (maybe infrastructure-jobs, expanded heathcare, continued government support for an ongoing economic recovery, rebuilding US stature with traditional allies,) that doesn't scare mod and indy voters in 2022. Stay the fuck away from medicare for all and soaking the rich and corps in taxes, hold-off  on controversial, divisive stuff, as Dems will need time and consensus to rebuild America, and there will be pain and costs to be borne and likely by those that have disproportionately and unfairly benefitted over the past 40 or so years.

This generation out in the streets aren’t nearly as stupid or racist as previous ones, boomers to be precise.

We have the consensus to fix the nation except from folks who the situation as status quo.

This is the precise time to GO BIG!

Read the room.

If you DON"T want to piss away the chance for long-term meaningful societal reforms, you play it smart, not big.

The room you're reading is in NYC and Washington and SF   

But there are rooms all over the country who are sick of Trump, afraid of Trump, but don't quite trust Dems and BIG govt.

Don't give them a reason to backslide, don't scare them with HUGE medicare plans that will be demonized as taking away their choices, and don't scare them with HUGE tax increases to pay for the HUGE defecits run-up by Trump's avarice.

Play it too big, and you risk losing Congress in 2022 and then the WH in 2024.

Be smart and build an FDR-type coalition of Dems and moderates and Indies multi-race, muli-religion that can achieve long-term societal goals for decades

And which might start to fulfill the promise of the American Dream for all.

But you can't scare the shit out of them coming out of the gate.


Pragmatic approach. Get elected, first. Then, "go big".

Getting elected first goes without saying.

As far as platform well you dance with the one who brung you.

Who brought Joe Biden to the dance?

Who is going to elect him?

The coalition that elected Obama in 2008.

What was Democrats mistake in 2009?

Didn’t go big enough fast enough.
If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.

Lyndon Johnson


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Re: Trump Administration
« Reply #40255 on: June 27, 2020, 05:29:46 PM »

The GOP outrage manufacturing industry threw sand in the gears of the Obama Administration assisted by the mainstream media.

But Obama fell in line for awhile.  There were two years when suddenly the deficit was the most important thing, and Obama started talking about the gov't budget is like a family's budget, etc.

The GOP wouldn't pull all this hardcore ish if they ever paid a price for being a disloyal opposition.  Or for stealing a Supreme Court seat.

He had no choice once the nation turned on him over the Cambridge cop.

When it came to cops killing blacks he was accused of taking sides.

Racism killed the USA chances of building a more perfect union over the last dozen years,

If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.

Lyndon Johnson


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Re: Trump Administration
« Reply #40256 on: June 27, 2020, 05:29:56 PM »

Scratch Woodrow Wilson’s name from the Business College at Princeton.
Racist, ya know!
Seems like every day now we learn a founder or stalwart of the democrat party is now regarded as some sort of foul fellow.
Let’s see who is left?
FDR jailed  Japanese Americans and Harry Truman regularly used the N and K words in referring to blacks and Jews.
Where will it all end?

FDR was also anti-Jews, Ward.
  No he wasn’t. Neither was Truman. I guess you missed his decision on the state of Israel And his abolishment of discrimination "on the basis of race, color, religion or national origin" in the United States Armed Forces.

Would you like a list of bigoted Republicans, too?
. If it pleases you although you are not paying attention to the conversation.

Have you truly not figured it out, yet? WHITES WERE RACIST. And... as you demonstrate, the vast majority of WHITES ARE RACIST.
Fine. Show us the data to support it. Not your bigotry.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2020, 05:35:20 PM by REDSTATEWARD »


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Re: Trump Administration
« Reply #40257 on: June 27, 2020, 05:35:55 PM »

From a NYTimes article:  Putin pays bounties to Afghan soldiers who kill US soldiers.

Raising the question of what the Trump Family's cut was in this deal.

Simple solution.

All troops home now.
Give Russia nothing, not even the time of day.
Carpet bomb the Taliban or whoever.

Not w/your hero, Doniskaya Trump in office.


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Re: Trump Administration
« Reply #40258 on: June 27, 2020, 05:37:56 PM »

White people in America who are living in their cars, are homeless, are begging for food, living on food handouts in poor states, any states, might be wondering where their 'White privilege' is.

Not being arrested or even shot for sleeping in their cars.

Why do you ask, racist?


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Re: Trump Administratio
« Reply #40259 on: June 27, 2020, 05:41:12 PM »

The Dems need to make the case for the need for a Dem Senate.  They need to go for a full tidal wave landslide.

This is where the Dems could use Soros/Bloomberg PAC money and make very targeted consisent and coherent attacks against the complicity and cowardice of Senate Repubs in empowering and refusing to question an inept authoritarian dangerous nut-job like Trump. 

The Blue Tsunami may hit the US shore hard this year but when waters retreat in the out years and the damage done by the Trump-Repubs become glaringly obvious, its going to up to the Dems to clean up the Repub mess, so they're the ones who will get dirty.

But Repubs will then blame Dems for a slow clean up effort. And that they have the answers to right the ship, hello 2022 off-year elections!

So Dems basically have to run-up the score in 2020, and neuter as many Repubs as possible, gain the WH, House and Senate, clean up the disaster, feeding the hungry, heal the sick, and put together a sane package (maybe infrastructure-jobs, expanded heathcare, continued government support for an ongoing economic recovery, rebuilding US stature with traditional allies,) that doesn't scare mod and indy voters in 2022. Stay the fuck away from medicare for all and soaking the rich and corps in taxes, hold-off  on controversial, divisive stuff, as Dems will need time and consensus to rebuild America, and there will be pain and costs to be borne and likely by those that have disproportionately and unfairly benefitted over the past 40 or so years.

This generation out in the streets aren’t nearly as stupid or racist as previous ones, boomers to be precise.

We have the consensus to fix the nation except from folks who the situation as status quo.

This is the precise time to GO BIG!

Read the room.

If you DON"T want to piss away the chance for long-term meaningful societal reforms, you play it smart, not big.

The room you're reading is in NYC and Washington and SF   

But there are rooms all over the country who are sick of Trump, afraid of Trump, but don't quite trust Dems and BIG govt.

Don't give them a reason to backslide, don't scare them with HUGE medicare plans that will be demonized as taking away their choices, and don't scare them with HUGE tax increases to pay for the HUGE defecits run-up by Trump's avarice.

Play it too big, and you risk losing Congress in 2022 and then the WH in 2024.

Be smart and build an FDR-type coalition of Dems and moderates and Indies multi-race, muli-religion that can achieve long-term societal goals for decades

And which might start to fulfill the promise of the American Dream for all.

But you can't scare the shit out of them coming out of the gate.


Pragmatic approach. Get elected, first. Then, "go big".

Getting elected first goes without saying.

As far as platform well you dance with the one who brung you.

Who brought Joe Biden to the dance?

Who is going to elect him?

The coalition that elected Obama in 2008.

What was Democrats mistake in 2009?

Didn’t go big enough fast enough.

a) Trusting Joe Lieberman.
b) Too few preset legislative plans that they could ram through w/their supermajority
c) Not enough judges lined up and ready to go.
d) Believing the GOP ever wanted to work on a bipartisan basis in those years.
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