If most white people were suddenly black they’d be fucked like the proverbial “fish out of water.”
In reverse most black people would be just fine because we already navigate through two different worlds.
But if whites were all then black,where'd be the conflict?
Inane question, but simple put, you don't think they would be happy, do you?!
I have no idea what "happy" means to most people, so I can't answer your question.
I was just curious about the hypothetical situation that was proposed. If, in fact, suddenly all whites were black, where would be the conflict based on race?
IMO, the conflict would likely then strictly be economically driven. What values would change for most whites, once they are no longer white? I doubt very many. I would think they'd still think the way they think.
Truly white people would likely still find that way to show others how "superior" they are, regardless of their new skin tone.
Humans do a ton of Us vs. Them activity regardless of race. See also: Jews, NINA, Polish jokes, Michigan vs. Ohio, Town vs. Gown, and a host of other such things. We other people pretty effectively. While they are in decline now, the Ethnic-American club and its ilk dominated one facet of the American social scene for a long time. It was/is a way to support "our own," but also to make it clear who belongs and who does not.
Think about gingers.
I often thought about Ginger. And Mary Ann.But I was just a kid, then...
Seriously, then what you are saying is that it normal for humans to discriminate.
We are not born racist. We are not even bigoted.
But we do seem to have an urge to feel superior to others, as that makes us feel better about ourselves. I could not tell you if that is hard-wired or a product of Western Culture (tm). I have studied the question and am not satisfied with the answer of the extent to which it is present in all other cultures, but elements of Japanese and Chinese culture suggest strongly that it is present there.
There are a lot of things that it is "normal" for humans to do, but which we have worked to overcome, to train us away from. I'm pretty sure that the desire to wipe out an offending party's group is "normal" for humans, or at least it used to be.
I'm not a scientist but I've often believed that our fear of others who are not like us is how we are hard-wired and may be instintcual, or easily adapted to at an early age. It may be a basic survival skill to be wary of those who are not a member of our tribe. And in the melting pot that we like to think of as the USA we've not yet totally evolved away from our ancient gene pool, the melting pot sometimes boils over. And it gets messy.
IMO we seem to get closer to evolving into a more decent, and open and reduced bias society, and events like Obama's election was an incredible moment in that direction. But then the backlash with Trump. IMO2 the recent events seem again to be pushing us into less tribalism and unity, and facing some ugly shit about ourselves, but there will be pushback. Two steps forward, one back, seems to be the general trend. I think that too may be instinctual and it may be how we learn.
But I sucked in biology, was good in math, go figure.
And Mary Ann and twice on Sunday