Yes, hard to imagine any army with shorter, better supply lines, fighting on their own ground, using better rifles, wearing concealing uniforms and not bright red-shoot-here uniforms could defeat a distracted opponent who sent in the B-team army shored up with some German hired hands.
From the first shot heard around the world at Bunker Hill the outcome was never in question.
And If George had told his slaves "fight with us and you all go free" the war would have ended in 1778.
And if I had to pick one of the many Founding Fathers as THE Father of our Country, I would cast my ballot for Ben Franklin who freed his slaves in 1752 or there's about.
Deej, you have the true founding father.
Symbols are a potent statement of intent around which mass aggregates of individual behaviors coalesce.
It’s time to clean out the stables, swamp, and barn.
Dead crackers need to be burnt up and fed back into the soil if any are to eat next season.