The thing that got me about the Repub's (McConnell, McCarthy, Hannity, FnF morons) sudden hard-on for masks was that it wasn't the 2.5 million sick Americans, or the 130,000 dead Americans, but rather the virus was spreading in the south and west, and maybe their voters might call in sick or call-in dead.
Yup, they are just worried about losing their public jobs.
Since Trump has gone down the toilet, and looks like a total election disaster, it is expedient to put distance between them and the Trump anchor.
Just amazing to me that parts of the US are finally coming around to mandatory mask-wearing on July 1st. March 1 or at least March 15 would have been sound and appropriate, saving lives, limiting infections, putting fewer health care pros at risk (the reason for the initial no mask policy lie).
It's ultra-weird that Trump was willing to go down in flames over the wearing of face masks and was unwilling to deal with what's essentially just a new kind of flu.
So far 8 states have had more cases than China. With Georgia and Arizona set to pass China soon enough. And nearly 2/3rds of China's cases were in the one province where it originated. The rest of China had roughly 30K cases. Nearly half the US states have had more cases than China outside the virus' home province.
The virus was and is containable. The Trump Admin is deadly.
Wasn't there a time where Trump said if we kept it to 75K deaths it'd be a success? Well, be double that soon, and even that number was a big revision from the earlier it'll go away in April, we have it under control, it's not a big threat nonsense of the first few months.