Too funny Qasim Rashid calling the most diverse country in history racist and xenophobic. Sexist, violent, homophobic, and promoting child sex?
400 years of pretty despicable racism. As a nation we tend to incrementally ease up on the racism every 100 years -- from outright slavery to apartheid to just racism. So things might improve in another 40 years. That's a movement from you're not fully human and we own you, to okay we're stuck with you but get over there and stay the f*** out of our way, to we'll grudgingly provide you with legal rights but be damned sure we're policing you and have jail cells waiting for you. Progress.
Almost every new immigrant group that arrived was distrusted and discriminated against. No Irish Need Apply. Catholics were still thought to be beholden to the Pope deep into the 20th C. Italians and other southern Europeans weren't even considered white (or at least not fully white). Hell, we still practice that with Spanish-speaking people, with the so-called Hispanic category. Chinese Exclusion Act, Japanese internment camps. African immigration was almost always blocked.
Look at the way Muslims are viewed today.
Sexist? Check
Violent? Is there no end to the wars of America? How about our murder rate and gun culture? Is there a more violent country, except some embroiled in ongoing wars. But the US projects its violence globally.
Homophobic? Extremely, though things have improved this century.
I'm not sure what he means by child sex. There is the Catholic church and Mormons. And we are a hyper-sexed culture. But a lot of other cultures abuse and marry off young girls.
Everything else on that lists checks though.